ew i disliked that replay... shouldnt have grabbed him... just decap punched him or spin kick or something woulda been nicer ....also the random flailing at the end looked bad.
Last edited by sirkill1; Jun 9, 2010 at 08:10 AM.
First one was ok in a sense of its a little relaxed so its good and the tippitoe was amazing begining I lol'd at it and the decap was very quick and fluid ;P
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Off Topic: Sup cube,hows it goin'? long time no see :V

On Topic: Yeah i agree with SirKill1, your replays would be nicer if they included some nice moves like spinning or dancing

3/10, Sorry

I expect better next time.