Original Post
Looking for a new laptop
So my dad is getting me a new laptop in the States with a budget of 600-800 dollars (I think) with maybe a 15" screen size at the most and I want one that's good for school and not that high-end gaming (No Dead Space or any of those extremely detailed games, something for at least DoTa or SF at medium to high graphics)

I have considered both Sony Vaio and Dell XPS but my dad has considered HP laptops but they have Intel HD GPU only do that's bad

Any suggestions? (I'm not taking any Mac suggestions)
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite
Alienware m11x, you can get one off of newegg for about 834.99

Greatest laptop ever created, seriously.

Big genital guy hmu ladies
^Really awesome laptop, mainly for gaming. Also, The Dell Inspiron 15R is a really nice laptop for all-around uses. Starts at around $570.
My dad's not getting me any alienware laptops... plus I don't think the Inspiron's good for all around gaming

P.S. my dad's buying at any retailer, probably best buy
Last edited by chidorikil; Dec 11, 2010 at 05:44 AM.
oi m8 i rekt ur mum last nite
best buy or walmart will have the options you seek. look for a laptop in the $650 - $700 price range with ati graphics or nvidia graphics though and you will be fine for what you want to accomplish. i would suggest this
You don't say?
You can see laptop brand new in any shop. Before you go to display center you can go first searching in the internet for best specs of laptop you need to buy. You can take time before deciding what would be the best.
Last edited by suomynona; Dec 11, 2010 at 05:39 PM.
Asus G73JH-RBBX05

Monster power, you can buy it at best buy for about 1k.

If that's too expensive, get the G72GX-RBBX05, at bestbuy xD

The G72 runs Crysis at about 30-35 FPS on Very High, i'm not sure about the G73, it must be a little higher.

EDIT: oshit, just realized you didn't want anything for gaming