Original Post
I recommend Aff3.

Aff3 is a decent player. He is on all the time. Or if you people dont see him, he's on when i am. He is a decent player all round. His best fight style is -


Which isn't bad. It sets you up for WuShu (Longer distance).
And Judo (Closer).

Unlike me, and many other Judo lovers. I suck at WuShu. And im okay at Kickbox. But anything else beyond Kickbox distance is impossible for me. (Apart from joust, but the speed you are hurled forward at helps.)

This is NOT like my other recommendation - Deex.

Who was a complete and utter failure. And should be added to the [wHo] Hall of Shame for Triple/Double clanning. (Depends how you look at this).

If you are having doubts on Aff3 please, please take a long hard think about it. He is well worth the time..

P.S. He is having trouble with his keyboard. So he cannot turn the camera. But he still won a fair amount of games. Again. Take a long, hard think.

- GynX.

collect snots from the nose
seein ga sthough gynx got supsended it looks like me and the other recruiters will have to talk for him. ill check this aff3 out ingame though
yeah ive played Aff3 and he talked to me about joining too so i would second this nomination seeing asthough he has left SyN now
if you both think he is good enough and i have no problems with him then i guess he can join
dont bring me into this to make yourself look better. And kai even knew what went wrong after i walked him through it.
i saw aff3 with his who tag on, i guess he is in the clan.

just post here when you read this aff3
i post down here

my password got changed when 3.0 was released so i cant login ingame the new one i got is not working
i sent a pm to hampa and i hope to recieve a new one soon