Original Post
[GM]Home! Sweet Home!

Home! sweet home!

Ahhh.. there is no place like home, your own four walls that you love so much,
the fruit of your hardship, building that you raised brick by brick.
Now that you have set foot in our new world of toribash and became a fully fledged citizen,
it's time to settle down on your own turf.

Your task is to build your house, castle, skyscraper or any other living place for yourself using toribash mod maker.
you can access it through setup->utils->mod maker
Tutorials and help related to modding can be found HERE

Judging criteria:
creativity, how original the idea is.
complexity, how detailed it is.
faithfullness, if you are basing your mod on existing building provide us with referrence picture, how the building is mapped will be taken under consideration.

1. One entry per user,during event you can change your entry as much as you please though.
2. No stealing, if we will notice you entered competition with someones work you will be disqualified.
3. Entries should be made specifically for this event, we won't accept mods that were made before it.
4. Post screenshot of your building together with the file.

Game Masters.

First Place: 256X256 Ground Texture + 10 shiai Tokens

Second Place: 128X128 Ground Texture + 7 shiai Tokens

Third Place: 256X256 Right or Left Foot texture + 4 shiai Token

04.07.2014 [GMT +2]
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 13, 2014 at 11:14 PM.
Oh wow really original ^^ even if I don't know how to use world builder :/
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Which order is dead line? mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy ?
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Quick Question: Are we supposed to make the outside only, or do we have to do an interior?
Heart of Gold
just the outside is fine by me, i'll try to find few examples later.

Edit: i found an excellent example, one of beggoten's works
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 13, 2014 at 03:31 AM.
Sounds challenging. D:
But creative.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
oh my, i made a mistake in the description, fixed it now, changed the worldbuilder for mod maker.