Original Post
Might want to pick it up phantoms and ghosts.
Well the camp is over so my tag is back on, and i've noticed we havn't gone up in rankings...pick it up guys, to make phantom great we need great players.

Become one of the mighty,

Well yes it would be good if our members we're all high ranks, but there are many clan members that are really good but dont have high ranks. Ranks dont really matter. Also tornix i dont think your are one to talk. Our members are good in their own right. Dont tell them to pick up their game, if they arent performing, ofphailure will have to re-assess their membership with our clan.
I agree,the clan ranking is not within the entire toribash world,this is the ranking of our clan. It is impossible to have all high ranks. Because the minute I make someone higher ranked I have to lower someone else. Alos nice avatar tornix :P
thank you :P but i was just saying, i saw a few people earlier who were in a clan and sucked horribly, i thought to myself "well what if some of our members are slacking off that bad?" thus the reason for this :P anyways i see what you are saying.
well sometimes members arent that good, but we let them join because they are nice and good friends, stop criticizing tornix. Leave or judgements and criticizing to superiors.
Indeed,most members with "of"near their naem are my RL friends. Also some members may for example: suck terribly at judo but own in kickbox, you never know..(that example being 616:P)
Thanks steve. Appreciate that.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
indeed, true phailure but it seems as though your choice in people to lead are your real friends...but need to have their ass kicked in real life to learn to not be such whiners of constructional critisizm. (eg: ofskills)
i do agree there. You guys can't make excuses, u just gotta pwn.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Ok, looks like you are really concentrated on annoying and have turned this into a sludging match. If i were you i would keep your mouth shut. If i were i ofphailure, i would consider "letting you go" as you have caused much conflict, with now as i count two moments were you have been stupid. Along with in-game annoyance. That is not the way we like the clan to be run, that is, having a member who is not agreeing and causing conflict with other members.
You have one more chance, if there is another moment of disagreeing or conflict, or any other thing that we consider to be an annoyance you will be kicked.