Original Post
Wanna be in a ToriVid?
Hey all, Im really bored, so I decided to make a vid. But, I need replays for it. So I ask you to post your awesomest replays here, and you'll have a chance to get into my ToriVid!

There are 8 places, you can post as much replays as one post can take(thats 10).



Green = Free
Orange = Two ppls fighting for one place(that means i have not decided yet who gets it, but you cant get that spot anymore if you arent one of the two whose names are there)
Red = Place taken

(Yes, i know there are 9 places, but I have decided to put some of my own replays in it.)

Now get posting those awesome replays!

Oh, if you have a song/vid title/shader suggestion, please feel free to post it.

Oh, and I have another request. If you want in, you must post a pose and 4 colors, which you want to appear in in the intro.

I still need a SHADER! If you have a suggestion, or have made one, or w/e, pm me with the link to the shader!

EDIT: And we are FULL!
Last edited by Chartle; Jun 5, 2008 at 07:28 AM.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
I don't have any replays sorry.

But a song that would be kick-ass is Apotheosis theme by Sean Hodges.
It fits so well with fighting.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!

Run by decap would have been here, but I used it as practice for hacking into replays.
Attached Files
RedDecapOnline2.rpl (82.4 KB, 7 views)
RedRegularReplay1.rpl (114.7 KB, 6 views)
RedSwift.rpl (150.7 KB, 5 views)
RedDecapToJuggle.rpl (159.8 KB, 7 views)
RedThreePunchRemastered.rpl (100.8 KB, 8 views)
RedFromBehindDecap.rpl (84.8 KB, 6 views)
Evil, personified in a chocolate bar.
Wow, thanks for the fast replys! Keep sending them in!

Oh, I edited the first post with more information.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
I had better but all my awesome replays dissapeared when i got 3.3
Hmmm typhon,pharos,radioactive and ummmm aqua
Attached Files
Splinter_knucklesandwich.rpl (134.5 KB, 9 views)
Splinter_let's dance.rpl (35.9 KB, 7 views)
Splinter_some kicks.rpl (204.2 KB, 8 views)
Splinter_stylishsplit.rpl (71.2 KB, 8 views)
Splinter_head and nuts.rpl (46.9 KB, 7 views)
Splinter_looky again.rpl (27.7 KB, 6 views)
Splinter_neckkick.rpl (85.3 KB, 6 views)
Splinter_decpa and shiz.rpl (79.9 KB, 7 views)
Splinter_pose.rpl (11.1 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Splinter; Jun 4, 2008 at 04:37 PM.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread