Original Post
Democracy is failing
Modern day representative democracies, epecially after the Second World War, have had a history of success and have been accounted to positively influence the global human rights situation aswell as the spread of freedoms such as press freedom or freedom of speech.

However, in more recent times, more and more problems have turned up that some critics love to blame on the failure of democracy. The middle east is falling apart because of US intervention and the apparent powerlessness of the democratic EU, global warming is steadily advancing while one of the biggest contributers, the US democracy can't seem to pass any laws to prevent this. This has caused the population, especially the non-seniors, to question the concept of democracy, and even some have decided to turn towards political extremism.
Most modern day representative democracies are accused of being the opposite; not representative of the needs of the whole population, but rather the needs of the rich.

As a result, voter turnout has been in a steady decline in the last 40 years, while our elected governments seems to fail to uphold even one of it's strong positive points - the long lasting peace in Europe.

With Russia showing the world that even modern democracies are subject to exploitation and that the system we value as 'safest' might not actually be,
is it time to reconsider our political system?

Are representative democracies really the most effective form of democracy?

Is democracy really still upholding the status of 'best system so far'?