Original Post
Yo, it's DragonoidBlitz7 here!
Yo! My name is DragonoidBlitz7! 'N I'm new here, in TORIBASH!
Hey there DragonoidBlitz7,

Welcome to the Toribash Community! Don't forget to 'Introduce Yourself' to everybody in the community, don't be shy.
Please look at the FAQ before asking any questions. If your questions remain unanswered, you can ask online in real time HERE.
If you don't want to ask there, can always in the Support Section, or in the Beginners Sanctuary.
Here are a list of Tutorials, they can help you with any process you want to know. How to post, make a video, edit replays, gain TC, make a POV RAY, and alot more!
Want to take special classes where they help YOU out? Join Unibash!
Want to even post bulletins or messages like on Myspace or Facebook? Join Toribash Social!

Here at the Toribash Community, there is a lot of opportunity to speak with the developers or know more about the company that developed Toribash.
You could chat with game developers, ask questions to moderators or Admins, or even know the Gamekeepers!
If you want to know what they do, click Here.
You can find the List of Admins, Here.
Nabi Studios, the main developers, build social communities through developing and operating free-form games. Take a look at their site! It's located Here.

Just to let you know, posts in this section of the forum do not affect your post count. Wibbles and Beginner's Sanctuary do not affect your post count.

Click Here. This message serves as a warning for you. Next time I see you doing it, you'll get infracted. Btw, I don't think you're excepted from Kitfox's newly made thread. ~Aspire
Last edited by Aspire; Apr 20, 2010 at 07:33 AM.
Sup Dragon, welcome to the community! Have fun ingame and both forums for news and other fun things :-D.