Original Post
Failed Activity Check & Warning.
Hi there FROG, we've been rolling out new stealth activity checks and you appear to have failed this one.

The system operates in such a way to catch out clans that simply turn up for activity checks when we post them on your board - this way we don't have inactive clans slip the net. We suggest creating an "inactive" usergroup on your clan memberlist as inactivity checks are judged relative to your clan's size and declaring members as inactive/kicking them is likely to help.

Please be aware we take your board, in-game and IRC activity when doing these checks.

Failing another activity check will result in the clan being removed and you will have to prove you are active enough by going through the application process again if you choose to do so.

Good luck!
collect snots from the nose
Can you give us more informations as to what is the "new expectation" concerning activity ?
It used to be "no posts in one or two weeks" which clearly isn't the case on our board.

As usual, we're an old clan of "old people" with familly lives, etc...
Is there now an "obligation" to play online or to connect to Toribash's IRC ?
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
I can't be totally transparent about the specifics of what we look for when testing but we take all quantifiable activity into account. This means clan board posts, in-game activity & IRC activity. I appreciate that you may have things that are more important than Toribash and that's totally fine - we understand that and that's why you only have to have a portion of your memberlist to be active in any one of the three areas in order to pass the test. Really, there's no "new" expectation in activity levels, it's just enforced in a way that gives us a more accurate impression of how active you really are.

As far as any obligations are concerned, yes - we want you to actually use something Toribash related if you're going to have an official clan here. It wouldn't make sense nor would it be fair if you could keep the clan alive without any dedication to any facet of the game. It's never been that way and never will be.
collect snots from the nose
ha bah faut me dire là ; j'allais poter des head , des rpl (un peu moyen certes ) des polemique sur les modo un peu pd tout ça mais si on ce laisse tuer faut me dire , j'enclenche rien

vermine vivra , mais sans frog ça a pas le même goût.
Last edited by vermine; Jan 21, 2015 at 05:49 PM.
Bah je sais pas.
Perso j'en ai plein le cul de toujours devoir se battre pour cette board.
A part nous deux ya pas l'air d'avoir grand monde qui passe/concerné non plus donc aucune idée.
Faut envoyer un message à Malmouth et voir ce qu'il en dit j'imagine.
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
je te comprend ,

le "nous deux" est récent . j'ai été absent lgtps ... j'ai ma part de tort , j'ai pas assez soufflé sur les braises .

ça me fait un peu chier que frog ce dilue etc..

mais pas de panique !! j'ai la solution pour gagner un ans de board avec ça c'est total win assuré . sur que gynx appréciera .
Salut Lev' !
Bah comme dit, on se demande si on va pas les laisser crever FROG parce que à quoi bon.

Ou alors, comme pour tb-fr laisser la place à des motivés. Lev', tu te sentirais de récupérer le Lead et recruter/gérer un clan ?

Wow, the Clan interface is so confusing. How do you change a member from a rank to another ?
Are you supposed to kick him and invite him back ?
If that's the case it is silly. Otherwise, I haven't found how you just move from a rank to another. Gynx, some help please ?
Last edited by Kyat; Jan 22, 2015 at 12:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click