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The Third and the Seventh.
I dunno if any of you guys have ever seen this short film but its one of the most inspiring films i've ever seen. Created by Alex Roman The third and the Seventh is a film displaying fictional Architecture designed and created all within 3DS Max and a few other programs. Remember none of what you are going to see is real and is all created digitally. If you dont do anything else interresting tonight then I recommend seeing this through. Enjoy.

Very nice indeed
I remember this from an inspiration thread on /3/, I remember an awesome cathedral video too, can't remember the name tho :3
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Truely amazing I can hardly texture a small house on 3DSMAX never mind this kinda stuff.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Very nice indeed
I remember this from an inspiration thread on /3/, I remember an awesome cathedral video too, can't remember the name tho :3

Saw it there, too.

Nice, really nice. One of many reasons I won't go to any art-related university. Duh.

Inspiring though.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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that was ridiculously awesome to watch, started off confused, started getting it at the end.

but its only architecturally inspiring because you said it was in the first post, so thats what i was looking for.
otherwise it was more film inspiring or whatever.

8:06 is amazing, i wish i had clients that i could do stuff like that for =/
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Yea man it just looks like a display of environments at first but yea, this guy builds them for clients. You'd know yourself, the stuff they look for. But this guy is exceptional at it and yea the blossem scene is crazy good.