Original Post
[Hunters]Rules - Old(2nd [Hunters] Stage)
Nov 23,2011: It has come to my attention that most current members are not really sure what our rules are. I'm also quite confident that only me and wiirus have ever bothered to read the big book of [Hunters] in its' entirety. So I'm posting a reminder of the rules here. This is also a place to ask any question regarding what you can and cannot do, and the consequences thereof. I've bothered to describe the rules in a manner which a 7 year old can understand.

This is an extended and somewhat better argumented version of our rules. The shorter and less amusing version is in the big book.

Forum Rules

  • Be active - Ingame and on the forum, if possible. - Forum activity means that you post regularly and your posts are generally useful and/or amusing. Ingame activity means that you regularly play Toribash.

  • No double posting unless the thread is older than 5 days - use the edit button - With the current forum setup, your posts are automatically merged if you post twice in an 24 hour timeframe. Still,making one good long post > making several short ones. It simplifies the entire experience.

  • Posts containing only "exactly" or "lol" are not necessary. Content is key. - This is a rule that is very important. While I can appreciate what things like ":S" "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" , "damn" , "shit" , "rage" , "props" , etc. can do in a chatroom, this is not a chatroom. If you have something to contribute to a topic, longer posts make it so much easier to understand what you're trying to say. One word post are permitted in certain sutiations, for example if a simple Yes/No question was asked. Or in an activity check. But not in a lot of threads.

  • When posting replays in the replay thread, comment on the replays above you. - We all want feedback. Not something like "Those were nice." or "Sweet, man, here's mine". We want to know what you like about each one and what you think we should improve in each one. If they suck, tell us they suck. Constructive criticism is best. The first time you ignore this rule, you will be reminded. The second time your post will be deleted. The third time you will receive a warning.

  • Acronyms are allowed, a good grammar is always welcome. - Yep. We understand what MTFBWY, LOL, BTW, OMG, IKR , RTFM, AFK, BS, CYA, ATM, FYI, AWOL, IIRC, ASAP mean. But we can't guarantee that others do. Most of us use grammar, and we would all appreciate it if you use it too. It is annoying to constantly try to read things like "so I herd u liek dis vi-deee-oh hear. We niid MOAR doggehs !"

  • Don't spam. The mods will delete it - until a certain point is reached. - Yep. The mods have deleted so much sh*t over the years. I'm not sure if you can even imagine. At the beginning of our revival I once tried to delete about 6000 posts at the same time. All from the former chat thread that was used by the the first members. I got a message saying I could only manage up to 400 at a time. Imagine how I felt,spending 4-5 hours reading and marking crap, only to not be able to delete it. So, spam is NOT appreciated. We don't need to hear "Man, I once saw a lamma hump a tree", "nyancat is f*cking amazing" "trolololololololololol" , "hai gais,I got an awesome ripped t-shirt with ponies on it", "I find this thread difficult to fap to.", "have u seen my razor somewhere ?". My tolerance for spam is waaaay down, and I will easily be throwing warnings left and right for that particular offence.

  • Don't go offtopic, we have a thread for each topic. - For example, do not ask "What the hell happened to the Replay Competition?" in the "Want to join?" thread. Or post a serious question in the lol-thread. You get the idea. If you want to make a new thread, search the first few pages of the forum. If it does not exist and really needs to be made, go ahead. If it is a stupid question or a lame idea, however, it will be deleted. Again and again. Until those with mod powers amongst us get fed up and escalate the situation.

  • Swearing is tolerated, unless it's the only content in your posts. - Using a modifier such as "f*cking" for "maaaan, that video was wickedly f*cking awesome as f*ck" or "dude, you're about as useful as a cock-flavored lollipop" is permitted. However, things like "you stupid ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard" or "you cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit" are not. While swearing does have a certain comedic value, we appreciate it if you do something useful. Even if it does include swearing.

  • Do not open threads for things which can be discussed in the chat thread. - A very simple and very ignored rule. If you do not have an important question, do ask it in the chat thread. People will answer it. It's really that simple. If it's a question about the rules, post it here.

  • Do not provoke any conflicts. Inside the clan or elsewhere. - Equal to "Don't be a dick". Mind you own business and don't do stupid things. Evidence is key in any conflict. If somebody is an idiot, you have to prove it. That being said, idiots are usually easy to spot and tend to leave proof of their idiocy everywhere. And they are not in this clan.

  • Everybody's opinion is valued and we encourage you to share it. - Exactly. Say what you think whenever you feel like it, unless it conflicts with the other rules. If you're a clan member, you're the core of the clan and you contribute to it by sharing opinions.

  • Bullshit is not tolerated. - At all. Do not post stolen art and pretend it's your own, do not take credit for someone else has done, do not lie to us. Chances are we will find out what happened as far as the internet goes. If you lie to us about things you've done and we find out,we won't be happy.

Game Rules
  • Be fair. - Try to not use cheap moves, admit it when you've lost fairly. Otherwise you ruin our reputation and that is not good. In fact, it's retarded.
  • Don't quit fights just because you're losing. - Yep. Doing so will immediately piss me off and I'll have a warning and/or kick for you very soon.
  • Try your best to get better. - Learn from your mistakes and those of others, think of counters. Using the same move over and over again will not make you a better player. Sure, it might improve your stats, but not your skills.
  • Don't flame others. When someone else starts, without a reason, beat him, show him that you are better. - Typically whoever starts swearing first admits he's lost the argument. Few things are better in life than beating up a douche who insulted you for being weak and pathetic. Valid in Toribash and real life.

Ignoring these rules will lead to 2 warnings and a kick
For serious offenses you get a kick immediately.

Warnings will be given by the leaders after consultation with the top members.

Post here when you read this entire thread, even if you don't have a question.I want to know if we're all clear on the rules.
Last edited by lordtiger; Jul 9, 2012 at 10:54 PM. Reason: Fixed minor mistakes
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Swearing is tolerated, unless it's the only content in your posts. - Using a modifier such as "f*cking" for "maaaan,that video was wickedly f*cking awesome as f*ck" or "dude,you're about as useful as a cock-flavored lollipop" is permitted.However,things like "you stupid ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard" or "you cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit" are not.While swearing does have a certain comedic value,we appreciate it if you do something useful.Even if it does include swearing.

That made me laugh hard.

Its ok i accept the rules.
We're actually supposed to post here, right? Because I don't really see that many clan members posting here... But whatever, I understand the rules, even though I've been in the clan before this was up.
Yeah I just wanted to put my mark, showing that I have read the rules and I know where to find them... (so now I don't have an excuse for not following them) XDD
Bertimus (MerCulies) Prime
I don't care much if you know them,as long as you follow them xD They're common sense(except the replay thread rule),so most current members follow them without trying
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
ppl with not that common sense will get rejected.. (like the one who mentioned lift kick as a special skill)
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
guys, seems like its about the time for EVERYONE to read these again since I've noticed many ppl ignoring the rules. (especially the replay commenting)..
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]