Original Post
[Free] Set giveaway
Three of my older sets, which I simply don't like anymore. So I decided to tidy up my shop and give them away for free. You can take & use them, edit or enhance them, just not make any profit, of course.
Maybe the other texture folks have some of their earlier works in the cellar, which they wouldn't mind giving away for free either?

\\ Edit
Added more textures (1 set, several heads).
Added three sets

The download link for the sets are under the preview images!
Everything is free!

So please: Don't ask me if you can download them. YES, you can!

Don't beg, not in PMs, not in this thread, not elsewhere in this forum :P Seriously.

You need texture items to display any texture graphic (like these sets) online!
If you don't have the items, only you can see the set. To show them in singleplayer, unpack the zipped set into your customer\username folder, e.g.

This took actually pretty long to create because I painted & smudged each single spike. I like the effect per se, but as a TB set it just doesn't cut it. And the head sucks badly. Baaaadly ;)


Crystal Burst
Simply an inverted version. Same textures, different impression.


Dynasty Leader
Copypaste alright, but still this one took some effort to get it right. Not a really crappy set, mind you, I just don't like it anymore. Maybe someone recognizes the helmet from a famous fantasy movie? ;)


Jungle Corrosion
Here I experimented with corroded elements and it only worked out so-so. Also I discovered that the trails (fully unintentionally) look like a woman with folded hands and after that I didn't want it anymore ^^


Spilled Blood
No brushes used, all unique & seamless patterns.


Volute Gladiator
Cheap and rather unpopular colours, but I like the combination and created it to prove that it still works.


Vigilante Vizard
Created for a request but not even submitted due to lack of time. I finished it much later and it came out as decent, dynamic set. You probably won't have pure and azurite if you need free textures, but e.g. quicksilver and cobra also looks fine with it.
This is one of my recent styles, very different than the old other examples in this thread.


Caoutchouc Connection
Mostly brushed tribals. I found it just about moderately exciting, but since it started as request work, that was the idea to follow. Given that many here seem to love cheap tribals, this should find some fans :P


Ignizor V
Burn, baby, burn. Who doesn't enjoy this summer, is to blame himself :P
Filter spam, but hey, free. Only head, trails and ground have coloured elements, so you can change that easily if you prefer another hue.


Heads from my abandoned shop. All for free as well:

Last edited by Fluxit; Jun 28, 2010 at 07:07 PM.
No, that's against the idea. You cannot claim them. If you want an unique set, leave your marks in the request forum so we decent texture people can make TC of that ;)
These are just freebies for those who like.
Cheers man, good of you to do this ;)
[2nd Dan]-[Sigma]
Gynx's brick pimp ^^. "Gynx": A brick has holes, what more do you want?
I'll take Dynasty Leader set.
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|