Original Post
About tori coins system
There problem is realy important for me.

days ago i saw the note that toricoins are under construction now and they will not be counted. They are working on it and asap they'll fix it (yeayea...)

Atm i'v got some points but while im counting every win i say that not every fight is counted. for example : yesterday i won around 10 matches, lost around same and i got only 5 tori coins. WTF?? I'v got these situation since 3.0 came out. My question is if that points wich were not counted will be added after they fix problem? (asap lol?). If not its imo quite of scam and thing that make playing unfair with paying player (hope they got all points without any problem). 12000 for head skin. huh? Normaly it will take around 2400 matches. Ok ill try to collect it and after hmm 2-3 months ill be able to buy damn head skin... but on these situatuation i hope it will take more then 10000 matches to collect points cuz not all points are added.

I could describle belt system also but connected with ranking it totally dont interesting me. (ranking is not real cuz many players with white belt are in top 250)

Could some1 other then powerfull moderator with copy/paste link and locking option answer me??

p.s sry for my bad english im not using it every day so i could make some gramar mistakes. I hope I explain problem well.
1. It's Toricredits

2. Head Texture is 20 000

3. Ranking is real. It's a point based system. If you get many points a day you get a good rank. You can get points by winning but you lose points when you lose. Amount of points is decided by your rank and the rank you are fighting.
ok but how u describle that?

2 days ago i made orange belt around 3 times (some matches 3 msges) and yesterday i was again yellow oO. afaik belts are counted by matches played not matches win/lose.

and how describle that toricredits are not coutned exactly how many times u win ? Should i send by email to support all demos from the begining (that themos where i won) and ill recive my all points? or they just has been lost (lol?)
if u didnt read the post in support , now u get 5 toricredits per win not 10
maybe that will explain why u have less credits
i kno it. I describled i was counting on paper won matches. For 10 i recived only 5 torricredits so i ask WTF? Also topics in support say that counting system is now locked so i ask if i'll recive rest of points soon ?

When I lock a thread with a link, you're supposed to READ it. Not make another one saying that I shouldn't do it again.


Belts aren't working right. Toricredits aren't working right.

THEY WILL BE FIXED. And you'll receive whatever you lost during that time.

You're getting ToriCredits every time you win a match. 5 each time.

Points you didn't get due to system failure will be returned to you when the problem is fixed.