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[TFCG] Toribash fighting card game - Duel masters league

This is the organization of players that are enlisted in the dueling league of Toribash fighting card game.
We are group of Toribashians gathered around this fast-paced game and in the same time we are beta testers of the first game
mod: wushu. Everything about this game you can learn and get from this page.

To be a part of this organization you have to learn the rules of this card game, you have to build your dueling deck based on those rules and you need to make your custom player card.
When you 'register' on this page you will became a member of the test team and you will be able to play duels between each others.
You will also participate in the process of development of this game to some extent.
Everything on this page is freeware (card editions for printing, card templates for customization, books, etc).
You can download this content and use it as long as you are not gaining material profit with it.
Keep in mind that some stuff used on these cards of this fan-made game are belonging to Nabi Studios.

IRC #Toriworld

Standard forum rules apply, be polite and considering toward other members, don't spam this board and if you have questions ask.

in cooperation with
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jul 26, 2012 at 06:34 PM.
I request to join..tomorrow i'll try to made the deck and the card
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Here are some tips:

If the card has poor power (only one Toribash logos) you can have 3 duplicates of those in your deck.
If the card has moderate power (two Toribash logos) you can have 2 duplicates of those in your deck.
If the card has superb power (three Toribash logos) you can only have one duplicate of that card.

This rule while building deck, together with the upkeep rule is the very important rule!

Also, unless your luck is not 6 points, your deck always has to have 1 DQ bad luck card.
If you decide to use Blue Belt edition together with Noob Pack edition and your Luck is <= 3 points you also must have 1 Missclick Bad luck card in your deck.

You can combine Noob Pack and Bule Belt pack cards to form your deck (best option since you have lucky cards in the Blue Belt edition and they can help with those bad luck cards)

You have 15 points that you have to assign to STRENGTH, SPEED, SKILL and LUCK.
Maximum amount of points that you can assign to any of these characteristics is 6!

Good luck.
Hi, I would verily like to join in ^^

I have a question about PFS cards, it says I can only have 3 in my deck, but how is that meaning exactly? Can I make 3x 1 circle cards and have 3 of each of them, or can I have only 3 total instances of the card?

I think there is no point in choosing low tier cards for PFS if you can't have more than one of them in the deck!

And I'm not sure that I understand the "minimal range between assigned point damage", could you please explain with an example?

I also found a mistake (inconsistency) in the rule book;
You can have up to 3 same cards of strength I and 2 of same cards of strength II and III in your deck!
Above you say you can only have 1 of each strength III card, not two like it says in the rule book.

Also you spelt "lawyers" wrong in the first paragraph

This is minor but you list the cards as "RED, BLUE, GOLD and VIOLET." but the picture shows "RED, BLUE, VIOLET and GOLD." I don't think anyone would be confused but it's a bit strange to change the order. The sentence before that lists the names of the card (attack, defend, etc) in that order, not the order in the picture.

Also can I use more than one combo/counter in 1 turn? Eg if I attack and win then use 1 combo, can I use a second combo?

What do silver circles in the dice damage area mean?

When I play a defense card face up do I HAVE to use dice damage?
Last edited by ImmortalCow; Jul 5, 2012 at 11:57 PM.
you can have only one same *** card
you can have 2 same ** cards
you can have 3 same * cards.

in the end you should have stack according to your stats.

if your attack or defence was sucessfull you can use combo/counter card. one.

silver cirles means it's empty and if you got it then your card activation is failed.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
this gonna be awesome
so...i gladly to join
/me start to build a deck
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Hi, I would verily like to join in ^^

I have a question about PFS cards, it says I can only have 3 in my deck, but how is that meaning exactly? Can I make 3x 1 circle cards and have 3 of each of them, or can I have only 3 total instances of the card?

You can have 3 cards of strength I, or 3 of each strength, or any other combination as long it follows the rule about number of cards of same strength and card upkeep.

I think there is no point in choosing low tier cards for PFS if you can't have more than one of them in the deck!

You can have them more then one. Also, look the answer about grey circles on cards.

And I'm not sure that I understand the "minimal range between assigned point damage", could you please explain with an example?

To tell you the truth I have yet to find good way of assigning damage points to these cards, and for now these cards will not be introduced. We will discuss on this org how to make a tables for them.

My idea was to have two arrays, but it's not working as I imagine it, so I took it out in the rule book.

I also found a mistake (inconsistency) in the rule book;
You can have up to 3 same cards of strength I and 2 of same cards of strength II and III in your deck!
Above you say you can only have 1 of each strength III card, not two like it says in the rule book.

Also you spelt "lawyers" wrong in the first paragraph

This is minor but you list the cards as "RED, BLUE, GOLD and VIOLET." but the picture shows "RED, BLUE, VIOLET and GOLD." I don't think anyone would be confused but it's a bit strange to change the order. The sentence before that lists the names of the card (attack, defend, etc) in that order, not the order in the picture.

Fixed. Rule Book is re-posted. Thx.

Also can I use more than one combo/counter in 1 turn? Eg if I attack and win then use 1 combo, can I use a second combo?

As long you have them on your hand of those 3 cards you can. If you for example in your hand have one good defense card and 2 counter cards, and you play your defense and do a point damage, u can then play both of those 2 counter cards from your hand and devastate your opponent.

What do silver circles in the dice damage area mean?

If you have grey circle on the place 4, and you try to activate card with dice and get number 4, your card is discarded and it's not doing any kind of point damage. Like miss-fire. You just lose your turn. It is a risk of play with better cards if you go with activation.
Players will stick more with default damage, and those bold ones will maybe do more. ;}

When I play a defense card face up do I HAVE to use dice damage?

No. But then there is no meaning in playing it that way. If you show your default damage to your opponent he will either choose not to attack you since he doesn't have a card to penetrate your defense, or he will see what attack he can use to do that.

Playing it like that you lose your tactical moment and you allow your opponent to find a better way around your defense.