Original Post
New Gen Conversation
So i want to have a legitimate conversation about the new consoles and what everyone's opinion. This isnt a console war, dont be an idiot like 80% of the internet right now, lets just talk about some video games.
Now with 100% less angst
I heard PS4 won't need an Internet Connection if you want to play a games. But, you still can connect to internet if you want.

also, hi.
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
You can connect to the internet for a price. You need a Playstation Plus subscription to play games online on the PS4.

Playstation Plus also nets you a heap of free stuff and services though, so I don't think I'll mind paying a little extra.
Geckoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! WOW, it's been a while! How've you been dude?

I don't really care much about the consoles to be honest, but the ps4 looks a much better choice than the xbox one, now dubbed xbone. Battlefield 4 really caught my eye, and I tend to dislike most fps games/combat simulators, which is quite surprising. It looks amazing. What caught your eye the most?
As Hyde said, I don't really play console games either. I liked the 360 better than the PS3, but now it looks like the PS4 is more appealing.

Still waiting for DayZ standalone. Hopefully there won't be as many hackers this time around.
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
madgecko <3 <3

As for the consoles themselves; meh. Not really impressed, glad to be a PC gamer for the superior rig alone.

As for the games, that's where I'm bummed out, lots of huge ones coming out that might not ever make it to PC. The developers of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus have a new game that I'm hoping will be released for the PS4.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Yah guis it's me i cant stay away from the only forum i've ever loved and felt apart of the community <3. I'm personally hyped for the Xbox One, i think it looks like an awesome console despite all the Pr shit. I actually Pre-ordered mine day 1. I'm really hoping that titan fall has the same silly feel that Mw2 had given Respawn is made up of the good parts of infinity ward.

Also i am fucking awful at toribash, i forgot how to do pretty much everything. It's sad how often i get my ass kicked in MP.
Now with 100% less angst