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[Art] Doxxy's Tutorials: How to Shade!
Hello and welcome to the first part in my series of tutorials where I will attempt to teach you everything I know about art.
In this tutorial I will teach you how to unravel the mystery that is shading.

(I will be using gimp 2.6 for these tutorials, I suggest downloading it if you want to get the most out of these tutorials. Keep an eye for my next tutorial which will be geared towards gimp users.)

I frequently see people asking what shading is, and how to properly do it.
Shading it's self is just common since and is often over-thought because people think more light and more dark = better shading. Sometimes subtle shades can create better shading than over contrasted pieces (i'm guilty of doing this myself.)

Before we get into actually shading, we need to practice the theory.
Now I am not a master at shading nor do I know everything about how light works, but I know enough to shade correctly and that's what I am going to teach you.

1: Shades

2: Color Blending

3: 3 things you need to know before you begin shading

4: How light Reflects and Bounces

This pretty much covers all you need to know about shading in the traditional way. I hope you learned a few things and I hope to see some new awesome art in the art board soon!

Note: These tutorials are in no particular order. So if you don't understand how to use a certain tool, technique or w/e, either wait for one of my tutorials to cover it, or feel free to ask me.
(Also, if I made any typos or mispronunciations, please feel free to correct me as I am retarded)
Aka jusmi.
Ive never been good at shading, thanks for your help doxxy.
[21:18] (Moltov) Fantastic Mr. Fox
[21:18] (avwave) i thought it was a movie for furries