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Buying clan stock
Im not sure if this is a good idea or not but ill throw this out there! buying clan stock! like you know how you can buy stock in real life for a company? well, in my idea! you buy stock into a clan, if the clan wins wars and goes up the ranking board, you can boost up your tc, if not it will lower your tc, lets say i put 10,000tc into ct, ct wins wars and goes up the ranking bored, my tc becomes more, if they go down the ranks, i loose tc. you could even make a little thing for the toribash website to see how your stock is going, agian, just a idea!
Originally Posted by M0nsoom View Post
Im not sure if this is a good idea or not but ill throw this out there! buying clan stock! like you know how you can buy stock in real life for a company? well, in my idea! you buy stock into a clan, if the clan wins wars and goes up the ranking board, you can boost up your tc, if not it will lower your tc, lets say i put 10,000tc into ct, ct wins wars and goes up the ranking bored, my tc becomes more, if they go down the ranks, i loose tc. you could even make a little thing for the toribash website to see how your stock is going, agian, just a idea!

Got some flaws with your plan. (Mostly because of greed)

1) People would only buy stock for the best clans. Could be solved by making a limit of how many people could buy stock from a certain clan.

2) Where is the tc profit coming from? Toribot? The void?

3) What's stopping the clans members from buying their own stock and playing unfairly to make money? Maybe make it so people can't buy stock to their own clan and the clan they are facing?

4) What if the clan fails to finish a war? You get paid back, I'm guessing.

Would be more logical to have Clan War Betting, but that's just my opinion.

In a perfect world this would work, but it's not so it's guaranteed that someone is going to try to exploit this. (And most likely succeed)

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Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
1) People would only buy stock for the best clans. Could be solved by making a limit of how many people could buy stock from a certain clan.

if his suggestion were to be implemented (though i'm doubtful of that, sorry op), it would be better to make it so that a certain amount of people could have a stock on a clan at a point in time. (not sure if this is what you intended to say)

moving on to the cons, this idea could be easily abused. you buy a stock on your clan, and your clan farms lower ranked clans, ones with little experience, filling up your pink, little piggy bank.

sorry, but this idea wouldn't just work out. -not supported
am dumb
I'm just gonna throw this out there now to help your concept on this idea a bit. First off Stock doesn't work how you're explaining. If we were you implament stocks they would work like this.

TGS has 100 stocks total, I buy 1 stock for 500TC (This TC goes to TGS's bank account. Their rank goes up and their stock becomes worth 1,000TC, I sell their stock, another player buys the stock or TGS buys it back from me. I now have 1,000TC and TGS or a Player now owns that stock.

Now if I spent 500TC on a stock and their rank fell I wouldn't actually lose money per say. The stock would just become less valuable. Like the stock would drop to being worth 100TC. In the case of the stock going to like -100TC this does not mean I lost another 100TC it just means my stock is worth that little now. I would only lose the 500TC I invested in that stock if I sold it off.

Now in order to make clans become more competitive you have to come up with some system for the clan leaders to be able to decide and do certain things.

1. How much stock their clan will have. Also there should be a default starting price of each stock depending on how many the clan decides to make. To do this you would also need to set a base worth of each clan. for example since clans cost 25,000TC to make have that be the base worth.

Ex. I set the stock amount to 25 stocks, so each stock would be worth 1,000TC since a new clans base worth is 25,000TC.

2. Clans can't change the total amount of stocks they have in circulation without reclaiming all current stocks on the market. This would mean they would have to buy back all their stocks from other players in order to further divide them for more profit do to a larger base value of the clan than they started with.

3. Banned or Dead Players - It is an issue if a player gets banned or quits TB while in possesion of stock from a clan. In order to counter this you would need a system that doesn't exist in a real stock market. I would suggest something along the lines of a 6 month regular wipe of stocks. Once every 6 months return all the stocks to the clans and pay the players what they would have earned from selling their stocks at that time. If the stocks values were up you would gain, if they were down then you would just have lost the money you invested in that stock.

Thats basically more or less a more realistic approach to how this would actually work in TB and methods to troubleshoot problems that would come with it. Besides that I shit this idea if its handled properly.
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Horrible idea. I'm imaging a lot of scams, agreements between clans so someone will sure make profit, and also the farming idea.

Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Horrible idea. I'm imaging a lot of scams, agreements between clans so someone will sure make profit, and also the farming idea.


Well with the way I outlined it I don't think you could scam people. Like I stated the only way to make money off your stock is to sell it to another player or back to the clan itself.

There is only one flaw with my system for his idea that I don't know how to fix. I mentioned a bianual 6 month wipe of stocks giving players the TC that they had earned. By doing this to keep the stocks in circulation it could lead to generating TC from no wheres in order to pay players I think. Not sure if the money lost by other players would balance it out or not.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
Thanks guys, it was just in idea to throw out there, i didn't think about the about how people would abuse the system
Originally Posted by M0nsoom View Post
Thanks guys, it was just in idea to throw out there, i didn't think about the about how people would abuse the system

Well thats fine, its like I've said to many pessimistic people on here, "There is no perfect system, every system will have ways to abuse it for one's own gain. The only thing you can do is set up good rules around the flaws and have an active staff enforcing those rules."

So for all the people looking for a perfect system they can stop looking and start dreaming, cause it doesn't exist.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
members confirmed for not knowing how stocks work, this suggestion isn't how stocks work either. but I like the idea of actual "stocks".

let me reply first to some misconceived posts

Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
Got some flaws with your plan. (Mostly because of greed)

1) People would only buy stock for the best clans. Could be solved by making a limit of how many people could buy stock from a certain clan.

of course people would buy stocks in the best clan, but of course the amount of stocks a clan has would be limited. for example: any given clan might have a maximum of 25 total stocks,

2) Where is the tc profit coming from? Toribot? The void?

from the players. let's say you buy a stock, you are buying this stock in hopes that this specific clans win ration will rise. you are predicting whether they will win or lose wars. the only way you profit from this is if you sell your stock; your stock becomes worth more as a clans win ratio rises and you would be able to sell your stock or share for higher than you purchased. a good way to benefit warring clans even more without needing to generate any TC.

naturally, players interested in stocks might even buy stocks with clans that have projected losses so they are cheaper, and sell them when their stocks become worth more (when their ration rises back up).

3) What's stopping the clans members from buying their own stock and playing unfairly to make money? Maybe make it so people can't buy stock to their own clan and the clan they are facing?

well that's simple, clans can't buy their own stocks since they would be getting the profit from people buying their stocks. to ensure that clans don't just take the money and never war, we could probably set up a system in which you need a certain amount of completed wars to even be able to have players buy your stocks.
(this would be another really good incentive to be active in warring when we get going with a new clan war system)

4) What if the clan fails to finish a war? You get paid back, I'm guessing.

not how stocks work. you aren't paying for them to win one war, you are paying in hopes that their win ratio increases so your stock is worth more.

the benefit to buying stocks is selling them, it's just another way to make TC while needing to invest in a clan. it's just like how any good marketeer (shev, insanity, etc) would buy an item with the thought in mind that the items price would increase.

Would be more logical to have Clan War Betting, but that's just my opinion.

another good suggestion, but I won't touch on this too much until someone actually puts out a decent thread specifically for this.

In a perfect world this would work, but it's not so it's guaranteed that someone is going to try to exploit this. (And most likely succeed)

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there's no way to abuse this, unless a clan specifically loses wars to spite stock owners (but why would they do that if they are warring? lol)

naturally this would be a great suggestion for official active warring clans only, along with the other guidelines I spoke of above.

Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Horrible idea. I'm imaging a lot of scams, agreements between clans so someone will sure make profit, and also the farming idea.


as said above, impossible to "scam". what clan would agree to lose on purpose in order to benefit another clan? and like I said above, if there becomes a select few amount of clans with the ability to sell their stocks, none of the clans in that circle would be likely agree to lose.

long story short, the original suggestion is not how stocks work, and would not work. it would have the type of scams, bugs, issues that you guys have said. with a proper clan war stock system if anything it would only reward clans for being active in their wars and making profit off being active in game (and using the clan war system).

if the case of the suggestion is made with the thought of the proper stocks system in mind, it would be a great benefit to active warring clans and encourage inactive clans to begin using the clan war system as well as play in game to get better.

a good alternative to making some TC for your clan since their aren't often many clan events to partake in.
Last edited by mWah; Jul 13, 2015 at 09:26 AM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.

All dis reply

Most of my questions were faced towards his wrong explanation of stocks.

Originally Posted by mwah View Post
another good suggestion, but I won't touch on this too much until someone actually puts out a decent thread specifically for this.

I'm on it captain.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
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