Original Post
[Championship]Best of Secret

What is this about? To see who is the best of Secret of course!
Who can participate? Any Secret member!
When does this happen? Once a year, normally when activity is at its highest.
Why do we do this? To challenge each other and grow from it.
How will this be done? Each opponent must get hold of each other. Once this happens the other opponent has 3 days to respond before losing.

The two opponents must chose their own mod and agree on it. best of 3, keep replays for the video finally!!!. A Ping is a win for the other!

The winner of the tournament can find their tori located on a card like this!

And they will also be the Icon of Secret for the year!
But wait there's more! of course you get 10k TC


Starts March 1st!
Ends December 25 (or win bracket is finished.)

If noone is a winner by this time, the one(s) furthest in the bracket will
be deemed winner after a quick challenge.

There will be a 1k Tc Entrance fee, to ensure members stay active in the tournament. Send TC to SecretBank
Last edited by teague19; Mar 4, 2013 at 04:19 PM.
Well this should be fun hahaha. aright MrAakash here we go. 8P
Sending ya a PM.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
So me and teague have been talking and we've decided to change the structure of the brackets to make it more fair.

If you're in a bracket with four people and nobody in the next round then then you're all good. Just continue playing.
If you're in a bracket with a person who has a bye (i.e : is in shown to be in the next round) then we will be implementing a triangular fighting method.

Triangular fighting :
Basically you have to fight the other two people once each and whoever wins two matches, gets to go to the next round. If each person wins one match whoever won by theo biggest difference in points will go to the next round. (winning by dq is better than winning with points. If more than one person wins by dq then whoever dq's his opponent the fastest will go to the next round. If by some miracle they both dq at the exact same time then whoever has the most points at that time will go to the next round)

If you have any questions feel free to pm me or post them here.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
I lost to both AikidoKP and MRootz. I guess I'm the loser of D. The loser of the match between Aikido and Rootz will be the loser of H and the winner will go to K

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Why am i face'ing a 6th dan?
lol nvr mind that sounds whiny so yah fuk it
Last edited by 3263441; Nov 15, 2012 at 04:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump