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How will it perform?
So I won an alienware gaming laptop yesterday and I am wondering how it will perform in certain games.
the model is Alienware 15


cp'd part of the dxdiag so it's long as hell, sorry

I'd like to know how these games will perform:
Fallout 4 in low/med/high
Witcher 3 in low/med/high
Black Ops 3 in low/med/high
Dragon Age Inquisition in low/med/high

if possible it'd be nice if you could tell me if I will be able to run it at 60 fps or higher.
dreamy suicide act
Fallout 4 in high
Witcher 3 in med
Black Ops 3 in low
Dragon Age Inquisition in high
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
Fallout 4 in high
Witcher 3 in med
Black Ops 3 in low
Dragon Age Inquisition in high

thanks, but I'm wondering why BO3 is low?
is it not optimalised?
dreamy suicide act
Originally Posted by dank View Post
thanks, but I'm wondering why BO3 is low?
is it not optimalised?

Edit: Didn't even notice the 965M there. I suppose it would be silly for Dell to try to sell a gaming laptop without a dedicated GPU in there c: . If you want, there are a bunch of recent benchmarks online for different games if you google them. As for the games you requested, I would suspect you will be fine running Dragon Age on high, however you will struggle significantly with the three other games, Witcher 3 running the worst of the three. I'd suspect you won't have any real luck trying to play Witcher 3, Fallout 4 or BO3 on med-high settings.
Last edited by Kyure; Nov 27, 2015 at 12:07 AM.