Original Post
Copying And Filesharing Is Considered A Religion
Sweden recently gained a new official religion. Kopimism (Pronounced copy me-ism) is a new religion founded by philosophy student Isak Gerson. "The community of kopimi requires no formal membership," he writes. "You just have to feel a calling to worship what is the holiest of the holiest, information and copy."
The Church of Kopimism also which holds CTRL+C and CTRL+V (the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste) as sacred symbols.
Info here:,2817,2398391,00.asp
Or search up "copy and filesharing is a religion"
Their website is down but will be back up in a few days.

I thought this was interesting personally. And if it is an official religion in Sweden, how soon will it start to appear in other countries?
Does this also provide a way around copyright laws using religions protection?
Discuss, discuss.
Oh god. That is just the dumbest thing i have EVER heard. EVER. Kopimi? C/P Key cuts as religious symbols? Who the hell made this official.
So now ,
Apple store = church
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~
This is the greatest thing I've ever heard of since the flying spaghetti monster.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Sweden recently gained a new official religion. Kopimism (Pronounced copy me-ism) is a new religion founded by philosophy student Isak Gerson. "The community of kopimi requires no formal membership," he writes. "You just have to feel a calling to worship what is the holiest of the holiest, information and copy."
The Church of Kopimism also which holds CTRL+C and CTRL+V (the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste) as sacred symbols.
Info here:,2817,2398391,00.asp
Or search up "copy and filesharing is a religion"
Their website is down but will be back up in a few days.

I thought this was interesting personally. And if it is an official religion in Sweden, how soon will it start to appear in other countries?
Does this also provide a way around copyright laws using religions protection?
Discuss, discuss.

you just converted me from Pastafarianism
I hope this religion gains footing in Switzerland. Then they'll be able to further indulge in their sacraments with file sharing copyright infringing content for personal use because it isn't illegal there

Also this looks like satire towards... something? The SOPA/PIPA bill? I don't know, but I like it!
Wow, first I was a Buddhist at birth, then I was an atheist when I was old enough to know that science was real and God wasn't and now I am Kopimist because it gets me past copyright laws!
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Wow, first I was a Buddhist at birth, then I was an atheist when I was old enough to know that science was real and God wasn't and now I am Kopimist because it gets me past copyright laws!

No it doesn't.
Living in Switzerland however, does.