Original Post
Ok, so I didnt see any threads like this really. I want to know more about all of you so you should tell me! Ill start. Im 16. Im in 10th grade. I love fishing but lately fishing hasnt loved me (Cant catch shit and my line keeps snapping with new lures on it), I like setting things on fire, Im american so yes im a bit cocky and overstated. If you know anything about my countries history you know why we get so cocky. I love collecting things. Its a passion of mine. i collect coins, leopard geckos ( read right...geckos), books, cd's , and swords. My favorite things to collect are probably swords and coins. My favorite fantasy weapon artist is kit rae. I also love things from hibben and united cutlery. I usually am pretty cocky. i come off as a know-it-all. I'll try to outsmart anyone in my path of destruction. I am an artist with words..Ill skullfuck your mind until there is but a smidgeon left. And while im writing this...Happy Earth Day Everyone ! ;) remember "Go green" if you get what im saying lol.
Redbull Gave Me Wings
I'm 18, I really like Music, playing Guitar and Drums, and playing Video Games.

I enjoy most genres of games. Although you won't really see me buying driving games. I really like Skate 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Modern Warfare 2, GTA series, Fallout series, Just a general gamer really...

I've always had it easy in school. I never had to study for tests, I'd still get good marks.
I have a really good bunch of friends at school.

I spend a lot of my time watching movies and Tv shows. I am currently enjoying Community, Freaks and Geeks, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother, Skins (US and UK), Adventure Time, Big Bang Theory, Daria, Black Books, 30 Rock, Castle, Scrubs, Firefly, IT Crowd and.... I think that's it right now... Ah, some guilty pleasures, Gilmore Girls, The OC and Grey's Anatomy.

I really like taking photographs, I have a really nice Nikon D3100. I can take HD pictures of my dick.

Music that I like.. White Stripes, Pink Floyd, Animal Collective, Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles, Radiohead and Simon and Garfunkel, although I listen to a shit load more. I know most of you guys are Metal lovers.. So I'm not surprised if you hate any of those.

Living in Australia I have developed the ability to ride Kangaroos and Emus. I can't wait to visit other countries right now.

Oh, and I like making movies and such..
Hello, my name is Acavado and I am not an alcoholic.

Of 15 years of age, 16 in August, Leo, logical. Potatoes and berries are awesome. Mushrooms are Satan's minions. The Pokemon theme song is a fair description of me. I can eat fire. I balance things on my fingertips, nose, elbow, etc. in my free time, I can do some basic juggling and I can bend my elbow 15 or so degrees the other way. Basically if I ever hit rock bottom, I can join a circus, a really bad circus. I've done a lot of things that never really reached a final product; I'm sort-of-good at everything and the best at nothing except becoming sort-of-good at things. I like messing with the system.

Life is dull.
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
Hello, my name is Acavado and I am not an alcoholic.

Stealing my stuff, eh?

Hello, my name is Lars.

I drink only when appropriate, and smoke when I got something to smoke, which I haven't for half a year now.
I'm the sexiest awesome motherfucker you'll ever see.
Been through shit, but life is awesome as hell when I've got my cookie supply.

Oh my turn eh? ;]
It's like therapy all over again D:
Anyways, my real life name is Anastasia [Ana-sta-seeya]
I'm 14, eh I guess I don't act my age, people thought I was a junior when I just started out as a freshman this year. Oh but I'm a pervert [Pfft] so people say I'm immature and shit, I don't really care.

I procrastinate more than I like, this has led me to having really crappy grades this year.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not stupid, I'm in all honors classes, one AP class. :3

I'm a lesbian c:
I have a wonderful girlfriend of a month and a half, 2 months on May 9th :3
She's my life.

Ohhh I have really good reflexes, like today we were playing ping pong in PE and shit, and a random ball came flying from across the room and I caught it.
So like, I'm awesome, worship me.

Favorite music genres: Heavy, black, death metal. Techno, dubstep, nintendocore, dnb, rap, ambient sounds.
Ehh about every genre is fine except country and most rap and hip hop.

Favorite animal is a lion, buuut sharks come in a close second followed by chickens 8D

There, now you know my epicness.
Now everyone gtfo.
Pffft, my pseudonym for whenever things ask me for my name online is Anastasia. I'm like, randomly scared now. I've been using your name.