Original Post
Today is the 8th Anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity. So I thought I would open a thread regarding the conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks.

My thoughts on the matter are that there are too many unanswered questions, too many things remain unexplained, and there are far too many coincidences surrounding that day.

United 93
The hijackers knew that they had to force the pilot to open the door to the cockpit as it can't be forced from the outside. Once the hijackers were in the cockpit and the door was shut, the passengers decided to try and storm the cockpit (which is impossible and the hijackers knew this). So why did the hijackers, who were prepared to die to attack America, give up on attacking their target and crash their plane into a field when passengers were simply trying to force an unforceable door open?

Debris (including most of one of the engines) was found over 6 miles away from the crash site. Implying that the plane was not fully intact when it hit the ground. Lending credence to the theory that United 93 was shot down. A 1000lb fan travelled several miles from the crash site

Several eyewitnesses came forward and all separately claimed to have seen a low flying jet flying after United 93, circling the crash site and then flying off and gaining altitude very fast.

Radar shows that Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes. This was a manoeuvre that was described by an air-traffic controller as following: "The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air-traffic controllers, that that was a military plane."
The problem with this is that the pilot at the helm of Flight 77 couldn't fly a Cessna yet could manage a fighter-jet-esque manoeuvre.

The plane conveniently hit a newly reinforced part of the Pentagon which was virtually empty.

A passenger plane was allowed to fly into the one of the best defended buildings in the world, yet only 1 CCTV camera captured this. The supermarket near my house has CCTV cameras capturing the car park and grounds outside the supermarket yet the Pentagon didn't have 1 camera covering the grounds outside of the actual building?

Twin Towers

Unexplained explosions heard by first-responders, employees fleeing the building etc.
Thermite residue found in the dust from the rubble.
Molten steel found in the bottom of the towers even though the temperatures weren't hit enough to melt steel.
Destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall speed, with little resistance shown defying Newton's 3rd law.
Several tons of steel which were ejected laterally 600 ft at 60 mph
Several of the alleged hijackers have been found alive and deny any involvement with the attacks.
One of the hijacker's passports was found at Ground Zero, I mean, a passport survived the initial explosion and the collapse of the tower?
FEMA had set up a control centre the night before the attacks.
The downgrading of security status in the days before the attacks.
George Bush's brother Marvin P Bush, was a principal in the company which provided security for the Twin Towers.


A white paper on the structure of the Twin Towers carried out by the firm of Worthington, Skilling, Helle & Jackson contained eleven numbered points, including:

The buildings have been investigated and found to be safe in an assumed collision with a large jet airliner (Boeing 707-DC traveling at 600 miles per hour. Analysis indicates that such collision would result in only local damage which could not cause collapse or substantial damage to the building and would not endanger the lives and safety of occupants not in the immediate area of impact.

WTC7 is the first skyscraper in history to collapse due to a fire. Not only this but many skyscrapers have burned for much longer than WTC7, such as the Windsor Building in Madrid and Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Beijing.
It collapsed at free fall speeds and solely in on itself (despite the official explanation of a progressive collapse which would have surely seen parts of the building collapse at different times causing the building to lean etc. when collapsing)

Mossad agents found in travelling to the George Washington Bridge in a white van filled with explosives. The company they worked for was a cover-company whose owner fled and was later placed on an FBI watchlist. At least 2 of the 5 Israelis arrested were Mossad agents and they later admitted (On Israeli television) That they were in America to "document the event".

Osama Bin Laden originally denied being behind the attacks. What terrorist denies being behind an attack they allegedly perpetrated?
Why would someone order an attack on their own nation? You're coming off kind of stubborn.
"You didn't hurt me nothing can hurt me / nothing can hurt me nothing can stop me now"
wap, do the research dummy.

yea.. george bush basically set it up.

so yea... oh and FYI i do do my reseach sir.
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But why would he set it up?
and what terrorists would go along with it, and take the blame? i mean, that actual bombers wont care, as there dead :P but a group (al quaeda) must have been involved to make it look real, what did they have to gain?
Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen today. Pretty much my view is that all of them are concocted from telling false facts, taking quotes out of context, and claiming ridiculous things with no proof. And that's you're doing with your first post.

So you have a lot of sources to cite before I even think about arguing this
Also, don't forget that osama bin laden had insurance on that building and when it was attacked, he collected 20 mil.
Do the research yourself :/

I don't understand the motive, but I honestly believe there was some fould play involved.
It's one of those happenings that is doomed to remain nothing but a speculation which will irritate and entertain generations to come.

I, for one, wouldn't put it behind any group of people who want to obtain power. Be it in Russia, America, Israel or elsewhere.
An attack (whether authentic or otherwise) means panicking citizens who are then easily manipulated into supporting any proposed solution. And for a nation with 307 million people a loss of 3000 wouldn't even be noticeable were it not for television.

I think it would do good for everyone to realize that no one in the government cares about you individually. No one gives a flying rat's ass about you and your mom and your grandma Sally. They could all burn for all [insert any politician name] care. Politicians of that caliber have to think in numbers. A human = unit. A soldier = unit, a currency just like $$$. How many did we lose, George? 1000? Ah, that's not too bad: we can afford that. And it's nothing unnatural - you would probably think like that too if you were in their place.

Again, I'm in no shape or form saying Geroge Bush did it (i simply can't know) but i wouldn't take any government investigation without a grain of salt.

PS: here, Carlin said it best:

Last edited by Odlov; Sep 12, 2009 at 12:28 AM.

'nuff said.

There is absolutely no proof at all. It's as simple as that. I don't care what minor 'evidence' pops up, it'll always be manipulated and construed out of proportion.

Also; from what I've heard, military flights did indeed circle some of the planes, but there were no missile launches. For one, they were carrying missiles too weak to down the planes immediately (I think Sidewinders, which are really designed for small and quick jets). For another, it would've caused some discomfort among the nation that should they get into a hostage situation like that, the military would kill them all for the greater good of the nation. "OH BUT RAGDOLL THAT'S EXACTLY WHY THEY COVERED IT UP"- or maybe they didn't cover it up, because there was nothing to cover up?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
"Hmm, lets fly a plane into that newly reinforced part of the pentagon!

Hell, if the pentagon is that strong, maybe we should crash a plane into the twin towers! that guy that designed them was boasting about planes being able to crash into it and its would still stand."

What if bush really said that?
Osama Bin Laden originally denied being behind the attacks. What terrorist denies being behind an attack they allegedly perpetrated?

one that doesnt wanna die