Original Post
[DSC] Necro

Aim: For Maximum Pwnage and win (also to test the skills )

-You must respect other members
-You must say GG after every game even if you lose ^_^
-You need to respect the leader
-You need to have a good time (optional)

Story: (i just made this up)

Once upon a time there was that guy who really enjoyed looking at dead people.And because of that people didn`t like him.That made him sad and think about his problem.But it turned out that he wasn`t the only guy with
that problem.So he meet some friends and decided to start a club.Many people joined but normal people didn`t like that.So they started make fun of them.But they weren`t so weak and they beat the Sh*t out of them.And they discoverd the real meaning of their problem.Beat the Sh*t out of somebody that laughs at you.And the Clan was made. [Necro]
-Necro stands for Necronom. (we enjoy if you die )
(i know its pretty lame but.... yeah)

Clan requirements:

-Must be active
-Must be atleast green belt
-Must master atleast one style (wushu,judo,aikido...)
-Must speak English

Your belt
your style
how often do you play
why do you wanna join
If girl a phone number XD (optional)

And that`s it..... I hope this clan will work out good.
Have a nice day

Last edited by telebajsek; Jan 23, 2010 at 02:48 PM.
It isn't very well set up, and a leader with 2 posts isn't e=very attractive, but gl anyway ^^

and why the two [DSC]'s?

EDIT: dam ninja'd >.<
Something about busses:D
i know i am not that active on forum ... but from now on.. things will change
And sorry about the other [dsc] that was my mistake
Last edited by telebajsek; Jan 14, 2010 at 07:00 PM. Reason: i messed up :D
They call me Mr. Boner ....
I dont know why :D
I have a Blue Belt
I am good in fights!!=)
I am playing every day!!))
Because i like that clan=)
No i think i am not a girl=)
Thats all i think=)
Your belt: Blue belt
your style: I play in relax
how often do you play:Ii play every day
why do you wanna join: becoes want grow with the clan

if you want any my replays ....
Attached Files
#P magic decap & split.rpl (179.1 KB, 7 views)
#P mpa.rpl (60.5 KB, 3 views)
#P retro decap.rpl (133.3 KB, 4 views)
#P da noob a cool.rpl (122.9 KB, 3 views)
#P posa!.rpl (65.6 KB, 3 views)