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[SXC]Vlatko9's Toribash Ownage
Comment and rate Did the replays quick and the one after the back flip is me verses s0th but it shows up as uke some reason, any way quality isn't good because I wanted it to be real small so it uploads on youtube faster XD
\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!
I LOVE DMX!!! Sweet song choice. Pretty cool replays, but the camera movements got a little annoying, no offence.

I've made a tonne of sex attack replays and I'd make one myself, but can't get that movie tool working.
I can make the video for you for a price Half price since your a SXC but just attach your replays in a pm or something and I can make the video with a song of your choice and then upload onto youtube and send it to you.
\.\.\.\3rd DanBlackBelt/./././
Vvvvlatkos back ;D!!
Sorry, I want mine to be a specific style, alot different from your vid. Check out Toribash Tank and that's kind of what I'm looking for.