Original Post
[Event]Weekly Parkour!
Weekly Parkour Event

I will post a parkour (made by me) and you will complete it within the week. When you post your replay of you finishing the parkour within the specified number of frames, you will be awarded between 200 and 500 TCs (amount given at my discretion).

You can edit with however many turn frames you want, just make sure you complete it within the minimum required frames.

You will be graded on on realism, coolness, and speed (however if you sacrifice speed for tricks, you will not be penalized).

One submission per person please, once you submit a replay that is your final submission.

Week1: Due by Monday May 2nd [ENDED]
Finish this parkour within 1000 frames.
Here is the TBM file and a replay of me completing it to prove that it is possible:
Alternate mirror:

Week2: Due by Monday May 9th [ENDED]
Note: I will be judging a little more harshly this time. Step up your game!
Finish this parkour within 1000 frames.
Here is the TBM file and a replay of me completing it to prove that it is possible:
Alternate mirror:

Week3: Due by Monday May 23th
Sorry for the late upload, but I just got around to doing this. Anyhow, I'm raising the prize for this one to 500-1000, so have at it!
Finish this parkour within 1000 frames.
Here is the TBM file and a replay of me completing it to prove that it is possible:
Alternate mirror:
Last edited by Satsu13; May 17, 2011 at 10:01 PM.
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
Yes well if this is going to be a weekly event we can't go spending TCs willy nilly can we?
Besides, parkour is fun. :P
And if you do well 500 TCs isn't so bad.
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
Attached Files
000_For Satsu 1.rpl (132.5 KB, 16 views)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥((((/\/\WOLFE ORKO/\/\))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hehe very good, 250 TC for you.
It kinda looks like you spasm across the gaps though, try to go for a bit more realism.
Also try not to fall off the green block. Z.z
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
I fell off the green block for a reason D:
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥((((/\/\WOLFE ORKO/\/\))))♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
i was surprized to see u made it urself , although very simple to do ( since u can just run all the way tru) its a nice thing for a challenge.
hope they get better in the future

and so kun can have some competition

p.s.- u didnt fkin read the "how to do an event" tutorial
Attached Files
hopekiller.rpl (173.8 KB, 12 views)
You were surprised I made it myself? -.- I'm not that bad.
And of course they will get better, this is just a nice easy warm-up course that also gives you room to show off your freestyle skills.

Anyways, 500TCs to Shemen, congrats on the sweet replay.
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
didnt say it for u to feel insulted just say that a costum event is nice and i was impressed to see a new challenge and not one of those standard parkours i´ve alrdy done.
even tho it was simple it was a nice surprize
Here's my entry.
Attached Files
satsu parkour.rpl (123.9 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by EJM; Apr 24, 2011 at 06:04 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.