Original Post
Clan Texture
I think we should ave a clan texture sort of thing, you know for when we do videos/replays.

What you think? I am just starting to get used to GIMP (I'm a Photoshop man myself) and think that we could all chip into making one.

Maybe not a full body texture, but just a small art, e.g. chest/arms/feet etc.
Zesse was starting the clan arts. Check it out.

As for a clan video, it was in the process of being made but I'm not sure if UltraDNick has forgotten about it or lost interest. =/
I tried making biceps with [IN] written on them, but they failed

What about this for a head, should I add something to it? (eyes, [IN], etc)

Clan heads are generally not too popular. Most people that have a head texture that symbolises them in particular. For example, I'd want to keep my head texture but I've got a right bicep that's open to being used with a clan texture.
Also, don't post the .tga file here, turn it into a spinning .gif or take a printscreen ingame. Not only will that help us see what the head looks like, it'll stop people stealing the texture.
KK, what body part should I do?

And I have made a globe of that, it looks OK, I might use it as my head!:

Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
I've got a right bicep that's open to being used with a clan texture.

Originally Posted by Mikeh12 View Post
KK, what body part should I do?

Zesse might be on that already though.
ok first of all i'd like to keep my head but i wouldn't mind like putting some kind of stamp on my head or something

like this. [just a rough example
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Last edited by shicken; Nov 2, 2008 at 03:07 PM.
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In my opinion, my head is my head. I don't have anything stamped across my forehead or anything. I wouldn't mind wearing a clan armband but I would mind having a name tattoo-ed on my face thanks.