Original Post
Openers (List of Conceptual Concepts)
The following is merely a guide to guide you in one general direction.


I will use various different real world examples to convey the image needed. This is due to the fact that I am currently innable to login to TB.

Some openers are theoretical others are solid and working. Working methods will be marked with a *.

Twists- Using a twist with the upper body is excellent for experementing. Play with pecs and the chest to twist watch the ghost.* (Wushu)

Advanced Twist- Using the method mentioned above you can play with the hips and the lumbar to throw to your hands. When I say that I say that in a good manor. It could put you in a position for good defensive tactics or counter measure kicks. * (Wushu)

Thining of Body- Thinning your body by turning your body can be a good tactic in judo or classic because of less surface area that could be struck. Follow up with raising arms to counter shots at the head or grabs.

Repeat Grab- If you go for a grab use it sparingly. *Let go* so that you have a chance to regrab which could lead to DMs or just more points.*

More to be added~
good ideas, although the "thinning of the body" one is unworkable.
Shadowdusk: Man i h8 sumo.
PlayerID473: y?
Shadowdusk: Because I'm FAT
PlayerID473: whats up w/ being fat
Shadowdusk: Because my fingers are too chubby to press the "C" key.
Lightdawn: LOULZ
PlayerID473: y would u want 2 press the c key
Lightdawn: Holy shit.