Original Post
Culapou's Weekly tournaments (20k)

____________________________________Week 1
____________________________________Black Belt and up


-Works as a high gravity wushu.

Rules >:o
-Double knockout mode: We go through 2knockout rounds, the winners of those two rounds will fight in a race to 3
-Maximum clients: 30
-No excesive cursing, racism, rude remarks etc.
-Disconected/pnged players will have another chance to compete, depending on their place in line/ games left in tourney.
-No arguing with the tournament holder
-It is good sportsmanship to stay and watch the finals, but is not necesary
-Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a warning, then a kick

Monday, July 28th 1800GMT
If you are unsure of the time, do not ask me use these sites.
I will announce when we are 24 hours before the start.



Free entrance
Last edited by TheGod; Oct 5, 2008 at 06:07 PM.
the god
aww man im outta town on monday wont be back till like friday D:
This game is pretty cool man...
hurrrrr, 69 views 2comments...
Hopefully i didn't pick a timezone rejecting the rest of the world -_-
the god
I'll be there! It's at a good time for me.
EBeezy's Inventory Sale <- Good items for low prices!
I know the toriexchange.
Originally Posted by xHurricanex View Post
I'll be in KHOOLAPOOP.

Khool-Uhhh-Paow c:
the god