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Looking for the best android drawing app
I have been drawing stuff in android for 2 months
I have a tablet, having trouble with drawing with android, not sure if its as reliable as others.
For people who do use android, what is the best android apps for drawing for toribash?
Autodesk Sketchbook is the best so far for me but it doesnt have canvas size changing, either that or I can't find it. help?
Lol thank u for that mystery
I'll write better topics next time
iv learned my lesson
I owe u ♥
Last edited by scorpionma; Dec 16, 2013 at 06:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Sketchbook is ni- oh.. then no other suggestions, have you tried that portable Photoshop app thing?
Pyro | MF | GerU | Electric | Revel | Essence
i need someone who have it tested it
i am not willing to buy a 10$ app just to test it!
good news
just found ouf the sketchbook has canvas size changing
bad news
It can only get to 256x256
just saw photoshop touch
it has canvas changing and it gets to anhthing j want but..
photoshop for mobile is not soo good it is bad
Last edited by scorpionma; Dec 17, 2013 at 03:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
INB4 14 days ban
Well I saw both photoshop and sketchbook
photoshop touch pro:
You can change canvas size to anything u want (max 2048x204
can go to 16 layer
it has all crop and fiter things
It has a smudge tool
and alot of good tools but..
it has 1 simple brush just like the mspaint pencil
so I cant draw anything it is really hard to draw
but has alot of tools and cropping things
sketchbook pro:
canvas can only go to 256x256 minimum and 2560x2560
it haz diffrent kind of brushes (about 165 brush) and has alot of options in da brush
Has great colors lol
can go to 18 layers
it has no tools
no smudge nothig...
and no crop tools
both programs has the best features
tools isnt cool without tools
U cant use tools if u dont have anything to draw with
I am confused is there any program that has both features
INB4 14 days ban