Original Post
(Insane_o) Insanity
~Guidelines behind Insanity~
1. just have fun with the game, but are really good in what they do
2. Are nice and considerate people. we will not take meanie heads (aka assholes)
4. Required to follow leaders orders.
5. We think of this clan as family. We help eachother and no fewds will be tolerated, if you have a problem/complaint about one of the fellow clan members. Please tell us. We will solve it ASAP.

Application: Fill it out and we will get back to you(:
Global rank:
Best mod:
Reason you want to join:
Skype(If you have one, please leave it below):
thank you for applying to insane.(:
Last edited by ImDestroyy; Sep 5, 2013 at 01:46 AM. Reason: c
Do you need help making a clan? Please read the clan rules, it works wonders. You look like you're way behind on a story, banner, members, allies, enemies, rules, intriguing application, any interest what-so-ever.
Hey hey whats up
ummm where is the banner? you should put request thread on art/texture request
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Dont forget to Enable your computer!
Creation it's Kradel Ninja - If You Need A Logo or text for each section of your clan. App, Story, Rules ect...remember feel free to ask
Recruit me!
I really want to join you guys because I've seen some of your members at judo and i they were awesome! i am really interested so please recruit me
Guys, i know batbuscus, i am an old member of a clan he was also in, any chance of me getting a place?
pretty inactive cool dude
I'm a judo skilled person, but I'm not great in multiplayer. (getting better) Also, things i'm good at is making custom moves for clan videos.
Last edited by kouta; Jul 15, 2013 at 03:36 PM. Reason: Spell error