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[Tex] new set I'm working on
so going to spend some more time on the set now, my last sets were kind of half-assed. Got the basic stuff down from mudbox, now I will edit in photoshop

This looks like thrash-polka. Not sure if I like it but it looks stylish. Too little details on the torso part. My eye wanted to see more.
Anyhow much better than your previous "tribal" set. Mostly because this one looks like "hmm, i can see there something..."
I really like this, even tho from techical/detail standpoint its not great it has very unique feel and look to it. Id certainly wear it.
I love it. Looks fresh. I don't think you need to sharpen/add more detail, as that would only take away from its unusual spray-painted look. My only advice is to make the hands different as well, since everything else is asymmetrical. EDIT: derp, the hands are different. Well, I'd make em a tad more different, such as by adding a splash of red on one or something like that.
Last edited by Odlov; Jul 23, 2015 at 10:28 PM.