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What things do you look for when buying head textures?
What kind of things do you specifically look for when trying to buy a head texture? e.g. Style, Color Pallet, Artist
Last edited by ILOVEPISS9000; Sep 16, 2018 at 02:28 AM.
Mostly artist actually. If the artist doesn't have a good reputation chances are I won't buy.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
If I were to buy something I would go for the clean and smooth style that cartoon is.
because its clearly defined and easy to look at and also it catches your attention and can be really colorful (and cute)
I look at the artstyle. I prefer cartoon art because it fits well with Toribash and it doesn't get boring too quickly, unlike heads that are "too realistic" where there's really not much you can do with the look unless you got a lot of TC and can afford a high quality set that goes well with the head, plus the shading of the head would make it hard to buy a good matching force since it could either make it 1 or 2 shades too bright or too dark. That's why I tend to stick with cartoon art, the artstyle fits perfectly within Toribash and it's easier to obtain the look you want since all you really need is a colorful force and a head that matches it perfectly (And maybe some extras) and you're good to go.

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Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Mostly artist actually. If the artist doesn't have a good reputation chances are I won't buy.

This should be irrelevant, and is the reason why art isn't as valued as it should be. To be fair, there is a lot of art out there at the moment that is not worth buying but when the right quality comes around, it shouldn't matter who made it. If it's a solid piece of artwork, it deserves the high price that follows.
[ES] Artist

I mainly look for heads by reputable artists (as long as the quality matches) or if it just catches my eye, uniqueness is a bonus.