Original Post
Krin's [Boxbar] shop. Promo Prices ending May 31st.
Promo: Everything 1/10th of the new price until the 31st of May, 2007

Icon will be 250
User-bar will be 500
Wallpapers will be 1000

Enjoy it while you can!

Icon: It doesn't show up well in the image I used, but I will make it more visible with bigger text and other such tweaks for yours.
Also do animations free of charge on these.

User-bar: What do you want it to say?
Also do animations free of charge on these.

Wallpapers: Can do any desktop resolution, with positioning if you would like to have all your icons on one blank side of the image, i.e. they wont cover up any of your beautiful new background. I just need a pixel reference to how much room you would like, and where; top, left, right, bottom.

Please leave your request with colors, images, and text for your Icon/User-bar/Wallpaper and please form a straight and orderly line on the edge of my sanity. You MUST provide all images, I'm not one for research.
Now serving...




I realize the idea is sort of lame...but i'm just trying to get something new out there...there's only so many ways you can make a user-bar with diagonal lines and an inner shadow aroud the outside of it and slap a name on it.
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
I'll buy one, let me get some specifications and I'll edit this post.

E: Okay, I want the box totally black. Use the image (attached) with the text 'Pi, NOW WITH CHICKAN!' also, I want it 1024 x 768, so I want a desktop one :P
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
Here you go, ADT. Premo Wallpaper for you!
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
secksy wallpaper, Krinny :P
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
you list no prices...

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
Originally Posted by PlayerID666
you list no prices...

Mmm well I did. The image went kapuut
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)

I want one, I want a nice pringles wallpaper. are you up for the challenge?
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
After I get some sleep! It's not too hard, I just like to spend a good amount of time on my projects and I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Re: Krin's Boxbar shop (new idea...?)
Originally Posted by veb

I want one, I want a nice pringles wallpaper. are you up for the challenge?

You didn't specify a resolution, so here's a 1024x768 version. With my stamp on it. When you send the money I can send you the version without the Krin stamp for your viewing pleasure.
Re: Krin's [Boxbar] shop
Do me a desktop wallpaper like this:

Tall Box;
With the Attached Image[Pirate Head] in the center;
Me pointing the sword under the Pirate Head[attached too; please cut tori/uke out of the white/gray background].
Color: Wood texture if possible. If not possible, white.
Black Background.

I pay 100 credits for it.