Original Post
[IMG]Day of a toribash life series.
Feel Free to make more. Sorry, but its the only topic i can put this in.
Credits to people in following stuff, even for not knowing that they are in this :P. I also am extremely sorry for people who didnt like their role. Eg. Veb xD.

This is in the wrong forum, moved to Art and Videos.
Happy new year.

And also: HOLY SHIT TORIBASH GOES DOWN ; Just kidding.
Seriously, what the hell? This just looks like an awful troll attempt.
I mean, you can't be serious with that kind of work.
Me, fail. Just pasted screenshots + Paint text.

IT doesn't make any sense, I can't follow whatever story this has to it.
What was my role?
Originally Posted by Platano313 View Post
plz i really want to join i'm good at fighting at anytime and i'm a brown belt plz let me join i think are a cool gang/clan i would like to joinadd me plz and if now well k let me join bye

Wow..... I


You can't really post that here,nor was it anything related to the thread,nor was there a person talking about clans.doing things like that can get you infracted and/or banned.
I dont know what it is...but I think it is amazing Good work on this...stuff.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.