Original Post
"Toxicity/Harassment" or "grow a thicker skin"
This topic has been on for a while in the community about Toxicity/Harassment and rules have changed drastically as well, but at the community has changed as well and not everyone is of the same age as well. There has been cases back then and now toward users and people such as TyZi if nobody knows, TyZi and staff members during that time have told users to "Grow a thicker skin" now this is kinda one sided if you ask me because this is the internet and i understand people can say certain things and what not, but during this time YOU could not say anything back to them and there was this instance people would get in trouble for saying something about TyZi and faking about something, and they would receive punishment for doing so but could it not be said the same to TyZi to grow a thicker skin? I am using this as an example to further my discussion.

There has been multiple instances with recent staff members saying "fuck you" and what not in servers to other users but if someone were to report them nothing would happen other than them getting a slap on the wrist as supposed to a regular user saying this to someone else they would get punished heavily for doing so. I personally think this is biased for the most part and or staff could possibly even argue against you in that case and protect them and tell you to "grow a thicker skin."

I am just curious on peoples opinion with the "toxicity/harassment" in this game and what they deem to be so and what could not, this thread IS NOT meant to be any troll of any sort and i just want to understand peoples opinion on the topic if people should "grow a thicker skin" or if they are truly getting "harassed/toxicity" because people could be jokingly saying words with their acquaintances and get punished for it.
#iTemp #Shockey