Original Post
A complete idiot's guide into the ToriBash Market
Hello little people. I share here today what I have been doing in months. This helped me threw many many months with the market board.

NOTE: I made this out of boredom. So except a non-professional tutorial.
NOTE2: 1-12 are the original tips. 13 and up are added tips.
NOTE3:PLEASE DON'T PM me your Questions. Post them here and I might answer it.
NOTE4: Credits to AKP for Tip 16 and 17.

Disclaimer: Results may Vary

1.Get a good first impression in the market business
This is for all of you newbies out there.
READ THE RULES. Don't get any infractions due to offtopic posts, illegal bumps, double posting.
Once you get something valuable to sell with, It is mandatory to keep your grammar clean and neat. No misspellings and stupid words like " dis, da, tis, pwnz etc ".
When you setup an auction/sale act professional and smart. Never act stupid and look idiotic and noobish.

2.Use Deal Finder!
Deal Finder is one of best ideas ToriBash Admins came up with.
It tells you if someone is scamming you, to set your prices in your auction and to find the cheapest item in the market.
Never trust your instincts. Never try to guess how much TC would this item would cost. Always Use Deal Finder.

This will be very helpful to you in many ways.
For one, it will help you for any sellers who try to raise the price of the item/texture even if you decided to make the deal already.
Another one is it would help you manage your budget and keep in track with your purchases. Try to restraint your self from splurging and being spendthrift.
Try to be cheap and conservative for your TC.

4.Make a budget
This really helped me past and present. Keep track with your deals/transactions(go to #3). Try to keep a limit with your spending/buying of items.
E.G. your TC amount: 100k
Budget: 50k
Once you buy item(s) that are equal to 50k, stop spending. Earn money again or never spend again.
The other 50k is somewhat like a emergency money, examples are like for your clan, your tourneys and your ToriBash friends.

5.Take advantage of sales and auctions
For this Tip, you need to use Deal Finder for this one.
Take advantage of sales and auctions. It could be very helpful for you in the future. One is that you can buy items at a low price then sell it for a higher price.
Here is a way to know if it is a right item to buy then sell for a higher price.

Is the item rare?
Is the item in the Deal Finder?
Is the price of the item 40% lower than the price in the Deal Finder?
Is the item easy to sell?

If you say YES to all these questions, then buy it then sell it for a higher price.

6.Add promos to your auction/inventory sale
Always make promos. It would easily attract people into buying your items.
You are selling NEPTUNE FORCE,RELAX and BLOOD for 20k
Now, you put an additional item into it for free. This will help you beat selling competitors and make the customers go to you.

7. Always appraisal your textures
This will help you know the price of your textures.
TTM Texture Appraisal Thread Click this to know the prices of your textures.

8.Go to a decent clan with well-known/supportive/helpful/nice/active members
You should get a clan which is supportive,helpful,nice,active and have a very decent reputation. DON'T join a clan which is inactive and stupid/noobish.
Getting decent clans with a decent reputation would encourage customers to buy from you because they know you are a trustworthy person. It will also help you receive self-esteem and support.
An example with a great and clean clan are these examples


These clans are my personal favorites. They are active,kind and supportive. They have a clean clan board and respectable members.

Download IRC here
Advantages of having IRC
1. Get to know more high-profiled people.
2. Get the advantage of advertising your sales/auctions in IRC(market channel ONLY)
3. There is a market channel fully dedicated into trading items/textures. You may advertise it and you may even get a good customer/buyer.
4. Get connected with your colleagues and friends. You may talk market business there.

10.Be active INGAME
Try to be active ingame. You may do the following if you stay active INGAME
1. Advertise your items/textures
2. Meet new friends and willing buyers of your items/textures
3. Popularity will get you more publicity. Publicity will get you more customers.

11.Try to be friends with very high-profiled players
This advantage is to get possible free items and/or get items for a very low price. Another one is you can get more publicity and fame.
You may ask the person to advertise your sale in their events and shops.

12.Always ask people via PM if they want to buy your items/textures
This is a good way to sell your items/textures.
By Pming them, you get a private talk with that person and a bigger chance of selling it to him.
You should always PM a person who is

+rich in TC
+kind person
+became rich by buying TC

These are aspects that are good into PM a person to.
Try to smooth talk your way into your way to selling the item(s)/texture(s).

Disclaimer: Try to limit this. You don't want to PM every person in ToriBash just to sell your item.

13.Take advantage of any money making business you have
From a flame forging business to a texture school to a request shop. Take advantage of it. Put promos. Put your BEST EXAMPLES, it would encourage customers to buy from you.
If you suck at making textures, go to a texture school or ask a friend to teach you how.

14.Always advertise your sales/auctions in your signature
This is common sense

15.Always find a way to sell your items
Always try to sell them. Keep trying and waiting until someone is really interested. If the item is to big a price for one person, try to split it to someone.

E.G.You are selling a pure pack worth 200k

Person A wants the pure force,blood and user text.
But he only has 100k as a budget.

It is now for you to find someone to who wants to split the pure pack. You do practically everything that is possible to do. Advertise, ask clanmates and friends. Do everything to find another guy. This will eventually pay off.

Be patient & calm when trying to make a deal.Coveted/Costly items don't always get a good deal fast.Waiting patiently will pay off in some cases with double profits.
In case of few items keeping them will result in them becoming worthless

Patience works wonders in case of Void Pack/Demon Pack & Full Texture Packs.

Most profitable if implemented correctly.Try exchanging items for more valued ones.Trading few small/medium priced items for a high value items helps.
Small amounts of tc works wonders in any trade !!



That is practically everything I know in the market business.
I may add a few more details once I remember the rest.

If you follow this guide or even read this guide, you may become wealthy and respectable. Don't forget, be cheap and smart!

You are encouraged to post a feedback/comment/rating to my tutorial/guide.
Last edited by Numb; Jun 3, 2009 at 06:36 AM.