Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Ohh, shiny screen.

Too bad that A, that large a resolution probably won't be supported by a 4850 in games, and B, it's a Macintosh. Macs don't deal with games too well, in case Apple hasn't noticed yet :| Very few commercial games support Windows AND Mac, and bootlegging/emulating more often than not is a buggy and unreliable process, even if you know what you're doing.


(Insert here a comment about how you could get a PC at half the price with the same power etc)

too bad for the bandwagoning mac haters that it's perfectly possible to install both windows and mac os on one of these and switch quickly and easily between them. So you get windows for your videogames and do everything else on the much better mac os.

Of course the people who can't afford to buy one will always bitch and cry. But macs are the industry standard in graphic design and audio production for a reason, and when cost is no object, you're not gonna get better =p