Original Post
[5thDisvion] Attention members!
Alright since we are growing at a rapid rate. We need to find a way to keep all member information. Since the leader hasn't emailed me the clan website yet, we are stuck in here for now.

Now, all members can recruit. But now since we are growing fast. WE might need to do tests! I have been slacking off on tests, and I hope people that join the clan are active members. Any qustions or conserns you might have PM me. (I don't want this to become a spam talking thread and get locked.) This will be a little hard since the clan doesn't have an offical clan thread in the other part of the clan topics.

Alright, if you want to join but don't know where to find us. PM me or jsut send a message on here. (mods or admin if you have a problem with the thread just tell me on here or Pm me. We are jus thaving problems keeping track of members and like I said the leader hasn't given me the website yet.