Original Post
DSC [NinjaZ]
1. No spamming
2. No kicking people from your game without a valid reason
3. Don't be annoying
4. Don't curse without someone saying a curseword to you first(if they say the curse word first, and it has to be to you, you can curse back at them)
5. Don't be a noob and dont nudge ur self up
6. No noob clapping
7. Follow all of the rules above ^ or you will be taken from the clan.

How To Join

To join this clan here are some things you need to ask yourself before creating an application.

1. Why do I want to join?

2. Will I help make this clan as respectable as possible?

3. Will I follow the rules and be a loyal member?


By the time i thought what if i do a clan called [NinjaZ] because i am a ninja so i thought of it an if i am a ninja inn toribash that would be fun but at the same time i love helping ppl like noobs to pro in ninja forms Thank you And Have a Good Game. ;)


Kicked Reason
Last edited by zarky; Apr 11, 2010 at 08:49 PM.