Original Post
[DSC] [master] discuss it!
We are the Urban Masters. A group of fighters who have trained in the city streets to become some of the best fighters. We have risen above all challengers to become known as a great force to be rekoned with.
That's our story.

Our members include: Honpo, Tekemk, KicktheCAN, MrPhateh, Sundrate, Xorisalio, Winder487, Snipe, PsyCo, SRVHENDRIX, Harlies425, and Dakk
last updated march 8th at 2:30pm GMT

clan aim: well there are a lot of things we like to do, and aim for. mostly it's just to have fun, and be nice (I mean, no one likes a spammer). general amusement is key.

So in the master clan, yfewsy, thepenguin, and i (jumba92) are all leaders. We generally are just a bunch of toribash lovers and just play to have a good time. If you want to join, go to yfewsy.freeforums.org look at the general rules, and the joining rules, and contact us (probably not thepenguin cuz he doesnt want a clogged inbox)

So if you have any input on the clan (critique, suggestions...) just put it here and we'll work on improvement.

So, that pretty much wraps things up. Buh Bye
Last edited by jumba92; Mar 8, 2008 at 08:43 PM. Reason: forgot to add DSC