Original Post
Want your replay in an opener challenge??
So, i lost all the openers for competitions from the last thread due to the forum getting hacked. If you would be so kind, post some interesting beginnings to a replay so we can keep donig the competitions.

Rules and guidelines.
Please, be fair. Dont start editing any of these replays until they get chosen for the competitions.
Mod must be classic.tbm
Replays must be between 500-700 frames long.
Openers being no more than 150 frames.
Speicify the frame which competitors should start editing.
Graivty can be anywhere from -9.82 to -30.00
You can set any damage settings you like.
DMT must be 100 or more.
Be creative, But please list any settings that are changed. Like damage, or a higher dmt etc.
One entry per person, until your replay gets selected.
This is NOT a competition, no prizes will be given out for your opener being selected.
Last edited by Kickass; Jan 10, 2011 at 12:58 AM.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.