Original Post
[REL] 3.3 Sledgehammer :0
NOTE! This mod is for the 3.3 beta, and will NOT work with 3.2!

Yeah, it's not as awesome as Soops sword or MrPoptarts chainsaw, but you can't
argue with a big hammer :P

I felt like making a hammer, so i did. It big, and sort of heavy. Not so heavy
that you can't maneuver it though. I spent a lot of time tweaking that...
The head of the hammer is instagib by default, but for good measure, a non-instagib
version is included too.
So yeah, grab the hammer and bash Ukes face in, or maybe smash his chest
to pieces, or even stub his toes with this hammer :0
Engage distance set in the mod, and the hammer is located directly on your
left hand, so just grabby left hand on start, or else it might hurt a bit.
NoIG is for No InstaGib, for your information :P

Enjoy bashing!

Edit: Red note at top enlarged.

Edit: Bumpdated. Wrists now bend up/down.
Attached Files
Sledgehammer.tbm (499 Bytes, 70 views)
Sledgehammer-NoIG.tbm (499 Bytes, 27 views)
Last edited by Shook; Jun 8, 2008 at 10:45 PM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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