Original Post
Minibash 0.7
We are beta testing a new flash game for the forum and iPhone.

Changes in 0.7
- End game scores. The displayed hiscore is your personal best on the challenge.
- FPS speedup (should hit 60 fps at replays, press 'f' to check)
- Minor graphics changes to allow for higher FPS
- New textures

Bug fixes:
- Less bouncy head
- Heads staying on screen

The game is still under development, if you have suggestions for improvement post in this thread or join us on (/join #minibash)

When the game hits 1.0 I will probably reset the mods, challenges. I will not reset your user account (credits, gold, strength etc).

I've uploaded a fix for "Create Mod" not working properly. CTRL-R.
Last edited by hampa; Sep 6, 2011 at 07:45 AM.