Originally Posted by pusga View Post


Mods and members should be seen as with equal importance.
And before you start complaining "We have to keep the forums clean from you pests", if we weren't here mods would not be necessary.
Now that I think if we weren't here this game would make no profit at all.
We need you, and you need us.
Mods are usually seen as the people watching us from a tall building while a huge crowd of us is here moving around and being active.
And as it was already said, grammar isn't everything.
"Oh, take a quick look at me, I have perfect grammar and I'm so badass because of that, therefore I am more formal than you and therefore I am more important than you, therefore you are a bunch of retards and it's up to us to control you."
Mods are now known as "Controlling".
This game was made for profiting, and that profiting comes from THE PLAYERS, which buy stuff for real $$$.
It's like "We mods were picked because we were the only sane people among that uncontrollable apocalypse of mad retards.

Go quit then. 10 bucks says it wouldn't matter if you quit. You aren't even sheep, you're cattle.