Original Post
Getting LAN users into my Online games
Hello everyone.

For a while now, I have had to go through hell to get my damned router (That's a cheap-ass Thompson TG585 v8) to allow people on my LAN to join into games which are also available to internet players.

i.e. Starting up an internet match on a game disallows other people on my LAN to connect to it through the internet. People outside of my LAN can join just fine.

And before anyone says anything, YES I HAVE FORWARDED THE PORTS.
Port forwarding does not appear to be the problem here.

To better explain, i'll give an example based on trying to get Borderlands to accept LAN players last year:

1) My brother who is connected to our router's LAN could not connect to my online game, but 2 friends were also playing with me over the internet at the time, so I looked up what the problem could be.
2) Turned out I needed to forward port 7777 as well as a couple of others.
3) I go into my router's menu page thing (122.xxx.xx.xx) and forward port 7777 and the others.
4) We get back into the game and everything is sunshine and rainbows - it worked and my brother could join over LAN.

NOW this is what happened recently:

1) Playing a game over the internet, my brother tries to join our game whilst connected through the same router (i.e. he's on our router's LAN much like I am) and it doesn't work. Frustrated I look up what the problem could be again.
2) Still need to forward port 7777 and others. I check our router's page and forward those ports again because the damned things have erased themselves somehow.
3) Try to get him to join again and... it doesn't work.
4) Got an automated port forwarding program which has a specific script for port forwarding Borderlands on my type of router. It does its work and I am assured the ports are forwarded correctly.
5) I try to get my brother to join the game, but again it doesn't bloody work.
6) I come onto the forums to seek help.

Now I have very little idea what the problem with this could be, so any help people could give me would be largely appreciated.
Also, Borderlands is just an example. Minecraft also doesn't work for my brother with internet games any more, although sometimes it can work depending on who starts up the server.
Hamachi - which I tried to use in order to bypass this problem - also doesn't work because it bumps my ping with my brother's PC up to 300 something whilst my connection to other players over the internet is in the 20-40 region.

I can provide more information if required. And yes, all the games have been allowed through my firewalls.
Both me and my brother are running Windows 7 64bit
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by 4zb41; Dec 9, 2011 at 10:41 AM.