Original Post
[S]Fenris' Graphics


©2009-2013 - Fenris - Kristensen Design

Logotypes & banners

Avatars & signatures

Other things, wallpapers, illustrations etc

First off, I only accept TC as payment.

Price List code:

Logo/Banner: 20k+
Avatar: 2k+
Signature: 6k+

The more you pay, the more effort I put into the piece(s).

What do you want?(No textures):
Details(Please be specific):

To do list:

1. Toribash - Site banner
2. Cry of Death - Clan banner
3. Cobra - Clan banner

~ Only 3 requests at a time, please.

~ Don't spam, please.

~ Use the application, please.

Last edited by Fenris; Nov 18, 2013 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Opened - Added new shiznizle!