Original Post
"The straw that broke the camel's back"
Hello big family Toribash , i am the old Figh, first sorry for my terrible English translator, I wanted to express myself better sorry
believes this thread because I feel that in Toribash I guess I have the right to express myself as a democracy and not a dictatorship

The question is only a .. to answer after reading this entire topic
honest and not just writing for writing .. but use your brain, reasoning, understanding.
Children are not only going to comment on whether trolling

is just what happened to me?

it all started when I realize I get 2 violations without warning (I understand they have no time to tell me the reasons for pm .. as they did before but others are not so kind .. because I think I deserve at least a minimum as all respect for belonging to the community)
as you can see the last 2 are ..

private: I can not even see the message for which I was ticketed ... impotence.
Not Have Link and -2 points... ?
Second infracction: clear, but one reason in my opinion ... absurd
Link Here

Could anyone say .. You broke the rules you deserve
Also I would speak so clear .. everyone should be judged in the same way
provided to me .. coincidences of life that it seems I have a giant magnifying glass above me .. that the mod only see my violations ... which are 2 and no more
the irony of all is that ... I report the corresponding button spam etc
people that if they break the rules and it is clear .. but never .. never .. are infracction, not even 1 warning
an example ... I have very many but I have to look one by one ... as SOLAX said "that's not your job ..
clear, then the help is not my duty as a member? ...

good if applied as rigorously as I apply the rules to me ... this user would have to this ticketed .. because insita tc for sale without having the minimum required.
report this when I recently had the job and had checked had 130k
no one did anything ...
is an example of many ..

to understand my level of commitment to the market and their moderators ..
about for more than 10 days, I get the following message

Originally Posted by MrAakash
Hello. Recently you bought a hunter force for 11k. That hunter force was part of some stolen items. Please do not sell it or give it to anyone for now. We will eventually take the hunter force from your inventory and give you the 11k back. Thank you.

I replied the message saying it would cooperate and well ... I answered anymore ..
wait .. and wait .... I decided to look for an answer because the hunter was still there, I'm not a toy is my item / tc
send a pm for 3 days, 2 moderators who were online market ... I keep waiting for the answer ....
I understand that you feel .. let be forgotten because that seems to be forgotten ..
That is the respect we should have mod a user faithful?who always wants the best for the community and if I admit to myself

send the pm to: Gum ;LWafflez
I understand they have a life .. Toribash is not everything but if you can not handle the responsibility / activity time it takes to not accept .. because harm rather than help (constructive criticism)

the title "The straw that broke the camel's back": it is because it is the reality ... one tries to help as they call it?
"backseat moderating" I prefer to be this, that a user does not have the slightest intention of ordering the field where it moves

I did not put all the pm, because the latter is what I try to explain here ..
I try to understand what I feel is a rustic example:
-neighbor is a thief .. robs other and the police did not stop even make a complaint.
-so now I go to my neighbor's house I borrow a machine to cut step (any object) and then I reported to the police thief comes quickly, I will not let me stop talking and shut me 3 months.

is right that the real thief release him and not with bad intentions hiso without measure words if?

is an example that expresses what I feel right now ...

well I hope your answers ... developed .. no crap ..
I hope I can aver that expressed what I wanted
of 100000 users that do not help and are not ticketed when they break the rules
the 1 that may have wanted to help but madness is ticketed ..
what are the ticketed I have them, but the feeling of equality does not

and do not forget that the community we all do, both users and moderators .. and all have the same privilege .. No one is more than one

thanks community

Last edited by DarkScorpion; Jul 12, 2012 at 12:33 AM.
-::Always will fight for you, I'll be a knight in the stars trust.