Original Post
So, I've recently discovered that I have all the symptomps(?) of a grapheme-color synesthete, which means I cross-percieve things (I.e. I see sound as color and associate words with colors).

While words as colors isn't exactly exciting, people tend to wonder about sound-color type more often. this paragraph from wikipedia explains it pretty well

According to Richard Cytowic, sound → color synesthesia, or chromesthesia is "something like fireworks": voice, music, and assorted environmental sounds such as clattering dishes or dog barks trigger color and firework shapes that arise, move around, and then fade when the sound ends.[3] For some, the stimulus type is limited (e.g., music only, or even just a specific musical key); for others, a wide variety of sounds triggers synesthesia.

Here's the whole article

This is just about the same thing I experience; I perceive all sound (except for speech) as colored firework-ish blobs that move around.

Oh, and I also have ordinal linguistic personification, which means i associate words and ideas with personalities. Sometimes it even extends into real-world objects

So I'm wondering, are there any other synesthetes of Toribash,
or do you perceive the world in the same way and never knew it was different until now (that's how i found out)?
Last edited by BashSly; Jul 22, 2012 at 03:31 AM.
i named my sandman Charles