-Name and what you wish us to refer to you as:Real name is Mason call me whatever you feel nessacary (can't spell)
-Your belt ingame:I'm only a green belt so dont hate
-Your age (in days):I'm 12 yes im a "SQUEAKER DUN DUN DUNNNN"
-The country you currently reside in/GMT:I live in the U.S.A
-Tell us a little bit about yourself (Decent grammar, ---minimum of 50 words):Well I enjoy playing football quit last year I play baseball and I like pizza, and on a side note my grandmother died tuesday
-Any traits you posses:don't really got a clue so
-2 replays (Attach to post)
-What member (If any) sent you here:Xioi
-Any Alts/bans/infractions:not that I know of but then again what do I know
-Past clans:I have not been in a clan looking foreward to joining one

-Anything else you feel appropriate:I've kind of just started toribash not really though and I am in band I play the trombone and I enjoy hanging with my friends. Also on another side note: Razzamatas
Last edited by foxxyboyy; Apr 21, 2013 at 07:33 PM.