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(Mage) Circle of Magic

You walk along a dark forest and stumble upon a dark shell.
The shell is a bit shiny, but gives off an eerie light. You tap the end of it, and you are suddenly transported to another dimension. You see fire and water and trees growing.
You have stumbled upon the Realm of Magic.

As you wonder how you got here, a man walks over to you.
"What is your name?" he asks sternly.
"My name is...is..." you choke out, too scared to say anything.
The man walks with you to a building, "My name is Gizodude, I am the CouncilMaster of Magic in this Realm, master of all spells and abilities."
You seem to have found the shell, which is the portal for this realm and the human realm, it only shows to those who possess the will to learn the magic arts.

Now we have a few rules here:

1. Obey the council, and the council leaders.
2. Do not be disrespectful to anyone, if you are you will be expelled from the circle.
3. Joining another realm is impossible, and you will be expelled from this one if you attempt to.
4. Have fun.
5. No useless shit talking, be talkative, but with meaning.
6. We were called Soul before, but we are this now.

You receive a letter stating:
Welcome to the Realm of Magic!
You must follow the rules above!
When you apply for the circle you must tell us which element you are, whether it be Fire, Water, Electricity, Life, Necromancy, Air.

Three pictures fall to the ground.
They are the pictures of the council leaders! You look at each, hoping to learn who they are.
One is Giozdude, a master at all elements, CouncilMaster to the Circle, all answer to him:

Next is his Advisor, Mackeria:

We have a small application you must fill out if you wish to join:

Favourite Mod?
What you can do for us? (Not fighting moves, if said here you will be auto rejected)
Why should we have you?
About yourself?

This is all, you turn to look at Gizodude, but he has vanished into the Shadows, you see a small map showing the way, you click the Transportation Circle on it and appear at the application center.

Last edited by Frost; May 28, 2014 at 11:33 PM.